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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I agree. the protection has been there.. and they have opened some nice holes for Harris but more consistency would be nice but this will come with time I'm sure. I was gonna reply to this but everyone else pretty much summed it up for me..
  2. you need depth at the lines.. either o-line or d-line. Canadian depth there is paramount. Could we have used a bona-fide canadian receiver? Sure.. but not as important as having a canadian tackle IMO. we simply don't use the receiver spot as everyone seems to think we should. JFG or whomever rises to the top of the pile eventually will be adequate until we switch OC's and they appreciate that spot more. As for MLB, I don't know if im sold on Judge as a legit starter.. he seems like a career teamer to me BUT in our defense, maybe he would have excelled at Hurl's role? Dependant of course if he has the smarts and skill set to run the defense like Hurl is expected to... I really don't see anything wrong with the Ekakatie pick at all and people getting uppity about his lack of reps are really reaching for stuff at this point IMO.. none of the other first rounders picked, I think anyway, would have benefited us more. Maaaaaaaaaybe, like mentioned, Vandervoort but again, we use the 5th receiver so sparingly.
  3. you'd really think so. I am starting to really dislike this loyalty to a fault stuff. The guy is brutal.. hasn't improved. maybe our depth is that bad?
  4. I don't think its that he doesn't have the faith in the run game.. its that he just is so pass heavy.. hes locked into the mindset that the CFL is a passing league.. That or he tries to run early, sees that its tough sledding and goes back to the run game.. I just cant fathom how with our beast of an O-line and Harris, one of the best RBs in the game, he sees it as ineffective.. He can't. he cannot be that blind.. can he?
  5. yea really sucks when a rookie DT doesn't just light it up right out of the gate huh. who'd have thought he may need to adjust to all the nuances of the game or develop his skillset a tad more.. or maybe even work on his conditioning considering how much more reps and how fast the game is..
  6. yup. I highly doubt any half-time shows that would be cost effective would really bring in the butts to the seats to be honest..
  7. pretty sure he made it by making his original statement but if you reallllly need it in layman's terms.. why are we discussing the exact same thing that is taking place in another thread, over again in another thread..
  8. you saying Leggett, Heath, Randle, Loffler, Westerman, Nevins and Johnson are not upper echelon players? What about Medlock? I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be unemployed long if we cut them. Hell, I dont think Wild, Alexander, Okopulgo or the rookie DE playing for Oko at the moment would last long on the open market either. our offensive line is one of the best in the league.. we have the best combo back in the league. So, our average QB and somewhat average receivers are essentially the only spot where we can say we are "willingly" accepting sub-par performance. Riddle me this batman, how would you correct that? bring in players to push their spots? we did that. nobody adequately rose to the occasion.. So in synopsis, this theory that we are just oh so happy to sit on sub-par or mediocre players is a laugh. We have upgraded a few spots on our team from last year.. stood pat at others which were not needed to be addressed.. By all means, feel free to refute this if you'd like to. should be interesting to watch.
  9. no. dont say that.. it gives the O'shea haters less ammo to work with, lol..
  10. i feel your pain... for I was a sheep and followed you blindly lol.
  11. yes. walters and o'shea are willingly and purposely fielding sub-par DBs and LBs because thats what they would rather do then find legit defensive players who are studs. I mean, its amazing that Johnson and Leggett are still on the field, them being so talented.. they should clearly be shelved for inferior players..
  12. I really can't fathom how people are oblivious to the fact that O'shea has been instrumental in bringing this team back to respectability. Hes also a young "wet behind the ears" coach still and is going to make mistakes and have growing pains. It is what it is. We never could have afforded a Trestman, an Ausin (not that id want to) or i'd hope a Jones lol. O'shea has his players going thru walls for him at times.. what more do you want? we are 2-2 and had a solid record last season.. beyond Medlock's gaffes this game and letting Calgary run roughshod thru our cover teams, our ST have been good.. defense and offense have their moments mixed with mediocrity.. I really think people don't understand what they are complaining about.. and are often complaining for the sake of just that, complaining.. its like the southpark denizens "rabble rabble rabble"-ing.
  13. there was definitely some bad communication there. the pass WAS open but the receiver was in the dark about it coming his way.. shame, it would have been a sweet play had it payed off.
  14. lololol. you act like we've been rider bad for the 2 decades. its not like we haven't been close or competitive in all these years. Christ, we've been to the dance but couldn't seal the deal.. We are not a franchise with money pouring out of our ears. we have never been able to afford the Trestman's or Austin's. O'Shea may not be the everyones cup of coffee but hes turned the team around in a lot of ways.. Walters too has been pretty impressive in re-stocking the cupboard with canadian talent. You can act like this team has been pitiful for decades all you want but its not true.. You can also disregard the blow up that happened in the years before O'shea, Walters and Miller if you want but everyone else saw the damage from the poor management that was done and how long its taken to get back to almost respectability. you wanna dwell on the past, go ahead. I'm going to look towards the fact we are 2-2, better then the riders and hamilton for sure. we are competative with Toronto, BC and Montreal.. are we dominant? Not yet no but we are far from where we once were..
  15. 1 up is still 1 up and wait til after tonight, wait til after this weekend.. that will change.
  16. nope.. and I think the rats are already starting to flee the sinking SS Trump..
  17. that bill probably could have fed a family of 7 for a month lol. good question as to who paid for it. I'd assume someone higher then the QB or coaches.. thats gonna be a pretty penny.
  18. ah your a good sport Lyin' guy. why cant all rival fans be this easy going and not need to take it to personal or really low levels..
  19. and thats what annoyed me. This team is struggling to rebuild their identity with the city's population and one of the biggest media outlet prints this slagging of the team and I know for a fact that there is many mouth breathers who are not going to look it objectively, see it as "bombers are failing again!" and we are going to hear the cries of "RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!" on message boards, FB and call in shows. whats the point of this? Why do the writers go out of their way to make the team and it's management group look badly.. I don't get it.
  20. its pretty laughable yup but I mean, even without the win.. they would still be singing the same tune.
  21. awe.. thats cute. rider fans consoling themselves on our board. you guys gonna hug it out?
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