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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. but if you listen to most of the priders, Bridge should be starting anyway.. hes the next in line to be the saviour, even though he hasn't proven himself anywhere as of yet. all hes done is shown glimpses of potential in between many instances of poor play..
  2. you gotta admit, Trump did this without any of his family members being actually qualified tho. Bush's kids and family were all senators and such.. ditto the kennedys. Bill never gave Hillary an esteemed posting either I don't believe, or boosted her company in other countries..
  3. sad but true... the kicker is that I feel like the internet has actually dumbed down the population, nobody thinks critically anymore.. they see something and automatically assume its the gods given truth. Ive seen so many people make the dumbest stands on the dumbest points that are refuted so easily and yet they still refuse to acknowledge it as wrong simply because they read it somewhere..
  4. lol I actually called them Toronto of the west but deleted it because thought it sounded dumb. gotta trust that gut instinct apparently lol. I have family out there and my ex's family lived out there 2 and both groups of people really come across as elitist goobers.
  5. yea Bartley really ramped up the fear mongering on this. I mean, of course we havent been able to put a dent into the "original" loan because we had to pay off that secondary one first.. and he says that but still implies that the team and the city are in some kind of dire straights.. I really hate how some of our local journalists try to sensationalize the snot out of such small molehills .. not everything needs to be made out to be a mountain.
  6. lol very true. nice hair though.. he looks like such a clown there.
  7. How was he to "protect himself" exactly? quit playing the game he loved? He didn't run headlong into huge D-linemen or beg for contact. smh, nope. not going to engage on this one.
  8. I almost want to think this is just a feed the trolls scenario because I cannot fathom how anyone who is fan of the CFL would consider how Buck played to be stupid.
  9. thats a pretty dumb statement. The guy is far from stupid.
  10. excellent response. couldn't agree more. playing at a brand new stadium, rabid fans thirsty for a win, without any game before hand to break the opening day jitters and still getting a W shouldn't be trivialized. we did something no other team has (regardless of the why with the bye week) in a very hostile environment. sad that a rival fan can't see that but I guess I'd ignore those reasons to try and help me feel better about the loss too.
  11. true definition of a Warrior. never seen a guy take so much punishment and still get up and answer the call... must be one of the toughest QBs ive ever witnessed.
  12. you mean like you guys claimed last year? good luck with that. enjoy the basement, you're gonna be there awhile.
  13. very good call.. when the Jets left, it definitely shifted my focus to bombers first and foremost. I followed the Sens close but Bombers were #1 and still are even with Jets 2.0 here. that probably really cemented the bombers as the #1 for a fair bit of people here come to think of it.
  14. ya thats pretty sad. you'd think a team with that much of a storied history of late would have fans feverishly following the team.. I know we would, or Id like to think we would. I mean sure they got the flames but we have the jets and we have a large diehard base.
  15. our LB core may be much maligned but our D-line is getting better week in and week out. If they can put the pressure on Lulay and stuff the run, our LB core shouldn't be overly exposed. Hopefully our offense can stay on the field plenty and let our defense ride the pine a fair bit this game.. or our secondary feasts on INTS and they don't stay on the field due to that, lol. *crosses fingers*
  16. hes got a light saber, uses the dark side skills to knock em away me thinks.
  17. great call.. I love to hate the Stamps because they've been so dominant for so long lol but I despise rider nation because of their fan base. So delusional and so arrogant. never wanted to punch an entire group of people in the throat so badly before.
  18. nah.. hes just really, reaaaaaaaally stoned at this moment.
  19. not enough facepalm .gifs in the world for this.
  20. lol at least you got company, I followed you down this rabbit hole!
  21. daaaaaaamn! that ox did some work to that lion lol.
  22. Me too honestly but I guess it was away from the play and the D-lineman had disengaged but really, it was a block imo. play was still live.. *shrug*
  23. baha. that made me laugh out loud at work. thanks, now people think im loony.. laughing for no reason at my screen.
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