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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. hey! Boltus is a champion! don't hate on a legend lol.
  2. No, actually the only real breakdown I saw that was sort of a break down was Heath on Coombs when Coombs bobbled the ball and then took off afterwards when everyone thought it wasn't gonna be caught.
  3. thank god Trestman used up his challenges because Johnson's forearm shiv to the head could have been very costly.
  4. and had a usual Johnny Sears kinda night.. don't miss him.
  5. how'd dem greens taste folks? lol
  6. ya I think Alexander has been the best rookie so far that we've brought in. (Faith could change that depending on how he grades out later.. ditto Jackson Jeffcoat) Coming in as a starter in a pretty tough spot, hes been very good.
  7. you wanna potato upside the head or wut?
  8. right, because I want anarchy since I don't believe this was handled correctly or properly. is nobody capable of giving a counter-point without coming across as a pompous windbag? smh. as others, i'm done with this thread. too many donkeys braying away.
  9. I'm just going off of Kent the player.. he was always a DB and a SAM. he was also very scrawny if my memory serves. I don't think he would last long as a WIL but thats just my opinion. I've always leaned towards a Bass, Wild, Muamba type WIL for a defense.
  10. Kent is not big enough to be a WIL.. sam, yes WIL no. he'd get killed eventually in the run game.
  11. decent enough DB.. good size, speed and range. Not sure why he was let go, tbh. thought he would be a backup at the very least. did get picked on in the eastern semi last year.
  12. but you are ok with giving a terrorist 10.5 million dollars based upon that? this is what sticks in my craw most definitely. nobody knows, everything is in a grey area. why give someone 10.5 million dollars (which may or may not stay here in canada or get funnelled right back into Al-Queda as his father was a financier for said group) on a maybe/possibly/etc. I do understand that he was wronged and I get that he was "just a boy" but we've tried 15 year olds as adults in extreme circumstances (this is pretty f'in extreme) so why wouldn't that have been a consideration here? this whole fiasco stinks. I hate that the country I love now looks like we cater to terrorists. I hate that my tax dollars at work are going towards this and this kangaroo court and I despise the fact that on an international stage, our PM looks like a pushover.
  13. pretty sure he wasn't under the bodies until the americans waxed the area where the grenade came from, no?
  14. when they found Omar, he was buried under dead bodies but still alive.. is it not plausible to assume the military, on the day of attack, thought they did kill the grenade tosser? he was wounded and I believe found after making noise as a US soldier stood on top of him and his dead comrades.
  15. ya highly doubtful he was walking around with his passport lol.
  16. he did tell them where a good chunk of IEDs were buried and helped remove them from what I gather.. right there, info gleamed from interrogation saved either locals or military lives..
  17. something like 77 percent of the country at last check.
  18. dunno how long you've been here but.. this is basically his shtick
  19. Cant see the picture but Jason Boltus helped his team to an NAL title last weekend. came in the 3rd and got the W.. I posted this info to a FB group but ya for some odd reason, I can't get pics to open up on the forum. if its a dood in a red jersey kissing what looks to be a superbowl trophy, then yup its Former Bomber Boltus.
  20. cant see that one for some reason..
  21. cool story bro. Wild is one of the better WILs in the league imo. not sure where you are getting your stuff from but the guys a gamer and nowhere near as bad as you're trying to portray.
  22. yea but don't we have depth DB's that could be used in place of Roc before messing up our current defense more so then needed? I mean if O'shea still believes in Roc... ok keep him in there and lets hope for the best BUT i sure don't and hope that hes considering letting someone else take a crack at the job.. Maybe its been nerves and he has been out-thinking himself.. If he gets one more game to prove himself, I'd be ok with it as long as it doesn't cost us a game again.
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