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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. so am i the girl or the guy in this scenario?
  2. oh I agree.. we've seen apologies from the league and I think we have seen crews demoted but nothing of substance but really, what can they do? There isn't a ref tree somewhere that these guys are falling from... the cross-over training from the NFL is helping but recruiting people who want to be refs and are willing to take the punishment and whatnot I believe is failing.. I truly think we need to see the CFL pony up the cash and maybe convince some experienced NCAA refs or even NFL refs if they have the time and desire to, to come down and ref our games.. our home grown solutions are failing miserably and with the command centre being as useless as it is.. we need the best we can get on the field..
  3. eggzackary. its not a given that because he is an exceptional SAM, that he will be a very good or even good DB. its a different animal all together and often the slower and less talented DBs end up being bumped to SAM. lets just not assume hes capable of being a DB and also not mess with how our linebackers are.. its going thru an upheaval already with Wild out.. no need to complicate it worse.
  4. and rightly so.. guys been a beast in both games in run stopping AND pressure on QB.
  5. and its been bad here, NFL,NHL, NBA, MLB, and every sport ever. Know what else? people who hit or touch officials in every other league get HUGE suspensions and rightly so.. where is the respect for the sport and its dignitaries? I know the worlds going to hell in a handbasket but if we can't respect our games and traditions enough to not be assaulting refs... theres a major problem here.
  6. at no point! they shouldn't ever have to be held accountable for making a bad call in regards to getting their ass kicked on the field. after the game, by a review board? sure.. in game, nope. to suggest otherwise is completely asinine!
  7. am I the only one who hears toadstool from mario brothers (mainly mario kart) saying "immm the best" when you read atomic say it?
  8. you are at work. a co-worker or customer dings your car door with theirs. you see your security guy is sitting in his booth but failed to stop the ding.. do you run up to the guard and start grabbing his uniform and shaking him? no. you call MPI and you get it taken care of civilized like. or else you get an assault charge. Why would we not expect professional players on a field of play to hold themselves to that same level of restraint? I know I would if I was a commish and I'd drop the hammer hard on anyone creating a physical altercation with an official. I know i'm not in the minority here. FB is rife with former players saying the same thing.. respect for the game is paramount.
  9. it really only got bad in the second half after the defense had been on the field the entire time.. first half we were tackling well, wrapping up and limiting gains (minus a few overshoots if memory serves)
  10. i nearly puked when I heard that call.. that would have been one of the most epic goal line stances.. ever. as it was its pretty amazing how well they held the fort until that end around.
  11. exactly. any form of contact that is initiated by player should be a suspension.. an aggressive, "attack" like grabbing and shaking? 3-4 to me is something id be giving out.
  12. wait. there is actually fans essentially condoning this action? are you kidding me? players have to respect the game and the officals are a crucial part of the game.. you DONT touch an official, period. end of discussion. there is no justifiable reason for any player to touch an official, let alone grab his collar and shake him.. i'm absolutely stunned people are saying "I get it.." no, no you don't.
  13. A strongly worded one? true canadian way of getting things done!
  14. I will say the lack of hmming and hawing was nice but still.. way too lenient for the action done.
  15. I dont care if it was appealed and the player won. you HAVE to show you don't take this kind of crap lying down. a one game suspension is a slap on the wrist. officials MUST be protected better then this.
  16. I get the pursuit of money and fame but I think he really did himself a disservice by chasing that dream. He was in the prime of his career when he was a bomber. he was making plays, flying around and was a force. Now hes a shell of his former self, still a good option but is he even really that much better then Hurl at this point? maybe a bit but hes heavy, slow and not nearly as game changing as he once was..
  17. Ian Wild looked terrible? Do you even watch the games? lol
  18. I agree. (just a jab at some less then kind posters at the moment lol) I couldn't believe it when I saw this. what a gutless call by the commish. you HAVE to protect the officials better then this. this is an absolute joke and embarrassment for the league..
  19. ya and we got how many wins and how close to the western final again?
  20. beat me to it lol. Singleton, hands down, is the best canadian LB in the CFL right now. Guys a gamer and the switch from american to canadian at his spot would actually downgrade the stamps defense IMO.
  21. ok there post police. like your posts are always chalk full of substance lol.
  22. k, wait.. what? you have an issue with my posting? (which is a weird thing to bring up in a post where we were discussing not quoting a mile long post to begin with) but actually, kiss my ass lol. I've gone away from the "classic" post like as you've said for awhile now. I've tried to add substance to most of my replies..
  23. once you are an admitted terrorist.. doesn't that mean you have given up your canadian citizenship?
  24. I do what I want! (i'll try to remember that for next time, thanks for the heads up that its annoying..)
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