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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I agree.. it was like.. second or third series in and he was already hands on hips and sucking wind.
  2. No doubt. but then you look at his NFL track record... performance enhancing suspension.. followed by 2 substance abuse ones... and it makes more sense. why would hamilton even take a risk, smh. guys clearly a wingnut who shouldn't be in pro ball.. putting hands on an official is beyond dumb.
  3. you tell them thank you for your support, we don't mind dropping a price to bundle a series of tickets together (kinda like what happens to season tickets.. no?) to expose a new group of fans to the game and hopefully help boost attendance overall and make the franchise more viable and profitable..
  4. is this real life or sarcasm lol. if we are picking at the players number selections.. its definitely a monday after a loss.
  5. such a grey area tho.. what if the QB was going to target the receiver but he was mugged so he had to look elsewhere? we can't also just let DBs knock receivers around just because they ain't the targeted player in the play.. I do agree though it needs to be re-looked at.. again.. because losing a huge gain because a db and a receiver who are 30-40 yards away from the play are hand fighting is ridiculous..
  6. my takeaways from this game.. -offense adjustments at the half fell flat. -defense being on the field plus the injuries burned them out real quick by the fourth. -Carmicheal and Lankford.. both are really underperforming to say the least. I know Dave Richie said "every starting rookie will cost you a game over the course of a season...(or something to that effect..)" but this is 2 now for Carmicheal and even though he wasn't practicing as a DB for the majority of camp, he was the SAM which is essentially a glorified DB (and no, I don't think he can take over Wild's WIL spot as I don't think he is big enough to stop a decent enough RB) and hes been beaten like a rented mule over and over again.. enough is enough. I think the turnovers coupled with the lack of offensive game in the second half really killed it for this game. we were in it right up to around the middle of the third but then we just gassed and the wind came outta the sails when we kept giving the ball back either on 2 and out's or turnovers. we played a very good team pretty well but in the end they exposed us when we had a tired and depleted defense on the field. depth behind our starters doesn't seem to be very good at the moment...
  7. Yea doug brown mentioned this on 'OB as well and when he said it.. I did get a sense of impending doom lol. Had a feeling we would get out-coached in the second half.. quite possible we thought we could stay status quo and keep picking away but.. clearly not the case.
  8. I totally did lol. wow, good job Walters at restocking the canuck pass catching spot. we should have one heck of battle in the next few seasons for reps IF these guys are as advertised..
  9. well.. its a short list for us and the guys on it aint exactly all world. with Richards still down with whatever the heck is ailing him, JFG and Coates are pretty much the only guys in his way.. the Bison guy (name escapes me at the moment) I believe is emergency fill in and not much beyond that.. Sooooo, Hypothetically speaking, his USA pedigree could mean he is more game ready then we are giving him credit for. He might leapfrog Coates if he shows well in practice and JFG gets hurt (unlikely, guys a tank *knocks on wood*) then we may get a chance to see him sooner than later..
  10. big name from his pedigree.. hasn't lived up to the hype. Has made some big catches, big plays but everything is overshadowed by his constant buffoonery.
  11. this is getting concerning. if anything they should be the only ones NOT getting it wrong..
  12. lmfao thats exactly what my girlfriend said. "oh, its a female 007? finally.. " to which I replied.. "nope, no accents, too american" lol its not a bond film tho from what I gather.. some weird "something blonde" title.
  13. ya the shine is a bit off of Calgary at the moment... they could and probably will round into form but now is the time to strike and strike hard!
  14. overheard from U of M staff members.. "...uh who's the weirdo in the lawn chair in the middle of the parking lot drinking by himself and yelling GO BOMBERS!" ? "
  15. no doubt. shouldn't that have been handled internally? lol. I mean at the very least, a sit down and discuss and work thru it as opposed to a "he said what?! FIRE HIS ASS!" only in riderland.
  16. was pretty epic at times yup. even section T (for more tame edition? Lol) was pretty energetic and action filled.
  17. Shhhhh!!! CSIS is watching. #bigbrother-eh
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