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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. not to mention, in a horrendous crime, kids here can and are tried as adults. wouldn't being a member of a terrorist organization, setting up explosive devices with attempt to maim and injure soldiers, building said devices and the other laundry list of charges he is guilty of, be enough to warrant a step up from youth offender to adult court? I'd think so.
  2. ya thats a good point too. then again, when we become a winning franchise again, whos to say that 33k wont be the sweet spot. its not like the 3k when we hit 30k is all that noticeable.
  3. your neglecting to consider expansion for greycups and whatnot. 30k is a nice number but having more seats equals more profit.
  4. witnesses say he was the one who threw it.. he admitted to throwing it and then theres this as well.. "Aside from Khadr's statements, the prosecution's case also includes an 18-minute video that briefly shows Khadr taping together wires for what look like improvised explosive devices, which have accounted for the deaths and maiming of hundreds of NATO fighters in Afghanistan. The Pentagon also claims he planted land mines (which the defence documents contend Khadr helped U.S. forces "recover without incident"). " so i mean, he was up to terrorist acts even if you need a stone cold proof of his throwing of the grenade that killed the medic (which we all know is not happening, it was a warzone for cryin' out loud) giving this terrorist (child soldier at 15 or not, he was a terrorist) 10.5 million for building bombs and planting landmines is completely ridiculous. he was a willing enemy combatant. I don't care if his dad "forced" him into doing this stuff, he could have said "nope, not doing it. dont wanna kill people"
  5. may have been they were utilizing the party areas for standing and socializing.. *shrug*
  6. nicely done Mr.Howell, I get you are toeing the company line.. but to cover up a blatant facemask by implying it was accidental (when you see him grab the facemask and pull him out of the way with it) is complete horse plop. man up, say you told him to knock that garbage off and move on. making excuses for it will only make it easier for this ****** to do something stupid and expect it to be considered accidental or incidental.. like his running over of a coach on the side line.
  7. yea I was very excited when we signed him in the off-season last year. Hes just so talented and usually very durable for his size. Watching him light us (and other teams) up for all those years in Saskabush shoulda soured me on him but hes just too good a player to not root for and now seeing the other side of the equation (how good a teammate he is, how well he works on the teams and whatnot) just solidifies how good of a pickup he has been..
  8. you know, he does football well come to think of it. good call.
  9. I almost went with the fever just because of his lack of touches down by the goal line lol.
  10. Jussi seems like he could be a good fit here, yup.
  11. ya works for me too now.. think it was just them messing with stuff.. causing panic and whatnot, lol.
  12. ..and if Jones get to keep pile driving the team into the ground this season and heaven forbid next, what then? you think that 27k is still going to keep coming?? Me thinks a flashback to your history may be in order..
  13. no...not really.. it would just end up being clogged with people refuting his claims as most of them are just so myopic.
  14. yes!! so much yes! everytime he acts like hes blown away people would take umbrage with the overwhelmingly negative slant to his posts..
  15. went to gym 3-4 days a week (on weeks that I could) cut out all soda and high sugar food (this hurt! lol) and went to snacks high in protein and more density to fill me up. starting drinking a ton of water.. lost lots of weight, gained muscles and overall improved my health. took about 3 months to totally feel and see the changes. workout was usually 30 mins of cardio then 2 sets of 10-12 on just about every machine i could get my hands on. gym sessions took about 1 to 1.5 hours depending on my time frame and how lazy I was feeling. I did also use a pre-workout and post-workout supplement.
  16. except he didn't try.. he did. A medic no less..
  17. Yea I do too.. hes got the skill set for me it me thinks, I believe the motion did cause him the most grief. Dempski's no slouch either. I expect him to be more acclimated to it and give a better showing this week.. if not, I don't expect him to be long for this secondary..
  18. thats kinda how I saw it as well, he was tossed to the wolves a bit at HB seeing as he was seeing most of his reps at SAM all camp.
  19. I agree.. thought he was a pretty solid prospect.
  20. I get that nothing makes sense coming out of saskatchewan of late but seeing as they are 0-2 now and still looking lost, why would we consider picking up someone they cut? I have a hard time believing he was a victim of circumstance or of Jones gonna Jones..
  21. what looks like a starting level MLB and what actually constitutes one could very well be 2 vastly different things tho, you realize, right? I have a hard time believing all these coaches, DCs and GMs who had him slotted into a starting MLB rotation would be wrong and you'd be right..
  22. and Hajrullahu is still struggling mightily..
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