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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. then yup, you have a very good point. Glenn when he was at his best here.. I think is pretty on par with what I expect Nichols will be when he gets firing on all cylinders. Both managed the game very well and both have (had?) the ability to win.. I think Nichol's gets the extra nod tho because he does play with emotion and doesn't seem to get rattled like Glenn would.
  2. sad but true.. same thing with Westermann (but hes more guilty then Loffler is)
  3. I somewhat agree but again, a Canadian O-lineman who is capable of playing Tackle (and to a lesser extent centre-guard) as good as or better then american counterparts, are going to be paid well. If they can do the job as good AND free up a spot for an American elsewhere, they are going to command a fair paycheque and rightfully so.. lets not forget that not all american O-linemen are created equal.. we struggled for a long time to find some guys who could play as well as we need them to. the receiver money that high, I agree..
  4. and I agree, hence the 2 minimum concept. we are an excellent example of a team who uses other ratio breakers in lieu of the o-line.. BUT I don't believe there will ever be a day where a team goes all american on the o-line or even down to starting 1. With that in mind, Canadian O-lineman who can play with their american counterparts are going to be valuable and still worth of a high end price tag. Theres just too many spots on the team that need or are assumed to need american starters that you can't really fudge other spots without using a few on the o-line.
  5. and another fun fact.. new Mosiac was built loosely upon the concept for IGF from what i've heard and read from countless sources... Soooo, they stole our idea and attempted to make it better.. and yet, somehow have come up wanting.. its a nice new barn, no doubt but its not some shining mecca of football eliteness.
  6. ends will round into form. both are very talented DE's. I'm not overly concerned about it. what I am worried about tho is our RTP penalties.. those have to be reigned in.
  7. beg to differ. a starting tackle or centre is easily worth that still.. you are completely forgetting about the fact they are invaluable to balancing the ratio. every team in the league has 2 on their o-line minimum..
  8. no but the fact people have no hot clue what was expected of him and making random assumptions about his play and positioning are..
  9. suppose we shall have to agree to disagree lol. both points have merit in my mind but I still don't believe its wise to give your opposition free points at any point, especially now that it really doesn't benefit you field position-wise any longer.
  10. is it an argument of Glenn as a bomber or Glenn as he is now? Nichols is better then Glenn as he is now, imo.. Glenn as our starter.. thats a tough call..
  11. couple of real barry horrowitz's over here lol.
  12. put me into the "save Dressler" camp. Id much rather stick with Lankford, bring back McDuffie if hes on the radar or see if Thorpe has more mojo once healthy.. keep our #1 offensive unit rested and ready to rock n roll should be priority unless the return man's wheels completely fall off and his fumbling every kick, etc etc.
  13. No, I'm not putting my faith in them stopping them in either scenario tbh. I'd like to think they can and would in either case BUT with how that game went, I'd rather put them in a position to score less points against us. later on in the season when our defense is firing on all cylinders (hypothetically speaking obviously) then my stance would hold more water in regards to stopping them from scoring but in this game, giving them 2 and then the ball back just seems like a bad idea to me. id much rather kick it to them and hope for good things to happen versus giving them 2 points and then hoping good things happen..
  14. sure but we also saw Glenn move the ball pretty easily against us. why assume we are going to stop them from getting... what, 2 first downs to get into fg range? trust your players and your team in my opinion. it didn't work out BUT it did only cost us 7 and not 10. Could have been the difference at the end of the game if we chose to give up the 2 and then they come down and score anyway..
  15. no.. its about his coaching abilities.. and I think hes done pretty well in the last year and into this one. 11-7 and an Western final berth is pretty solid around here as of late. Like I mentioned earlier, hes shown hes evolving and able to admit when he did something wrong. I think you fail to appreciate the positives that hes shown and focus so much on the perceived negatives. I mean hes not a seasoned vet with the big head phones nor was he really groomed prior to taking on the role.. I think with that considered, hes done well and only looks to improve.
  16. the fact remains that he is the best kicker in the league, bar none. we plays for the bombers. if we overpaid to bring him in, so be it. Hes been money since and I have no reason to suspect that will change. For what we paid, hes been worth it and more not to mention he does all 3 duties pretty well. and I believe it was more so being prudent on the re-negotiations more so then a "need" I don't believe we would have been in cap hell.. I think Medlock just agreed to make other cap moves easier.
  17. exactly. with the ball placement now, its not that hard to imagine that you give them 2 and then they move into FG range regardless. I'd much rather kick it away and hope for a turnover or a stop and minimize the damage.
  18. yea but when you down it in the endzone, they get it so close now that its often 2 + more points anyway. might as well make the ST and offense work for the points, no?
  19. yuppers.. me thinks secretly it was bitter resentment that we signed him and they couldn't. if we over-paid for the leagues best and most accurate kicker, I'll over pay that any day of the week.
  20. fact remains that you use the tools you have available to make the game winnable. Why not use our all-star RB who is 99.95 percent of the time going to advance the ball into the position you want it to be moved and make the kick easier for our kicker? its kind of a simple concept to me.. its not like Lapo called for passes to move the ball.. that would have been dumb, yes.
  21. theres giving him a free ride and then theres attempting to hang him with every piece of misconceived rope you seem to find about the guy lol. You have a real weird dislike for the coach and I've yet to see any justifiable reason for it beyond his inexperience. Unfortunately the only way to get experience is, well to get experience. He's shown (to me anyway) hes capable of learning, capable of changing his first instinct and admit when he made a mistake. dunno, just odd to me how you take such umbrage with him at every chance you can.
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