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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. K wait, wasn't this discussion about Nichols? Why would it matter (in this post) how the rest of the game went, the defense played, etc etc? Nichols was an elite level QB last game. period. He played exceptionally well in a very hostile environment. He won the turnover battle and eventually the game. Give credit where credit is due. Your wrong about Nichols, its ok to admit that.
  2. huh. suppose that was closer to my "bombers are infallible" stage lol.
  3. Gilmore wasn't that bad, was he? Dunn and Smith on the other hand..
  4. have they shown any reason to not suggest otherwise? Not to me they haven't.
  5. i like the idea of going for 2 more often but when the 1 is such a gimme even at a further distance, hard to not just take the points.. playing catch up on the other hand, having the 2 point convert being easier then before is a nice bonus these days tho.
  6. wish it was but alas, this guy is apparently for real.. haven't seen the likes of this level of idiotic trolling since Migs and his 8 different accounts lol.
  7. and even then, 11-7 is still pretty damn good if we want to go with the history of last season, lol.
  8. for credibility to be blown, he would have had to have had some to begin with... clearly not the case with this mold coloured troll.
  9. how many wins you guys have last season? ya, thought so.
  10. no... its not.. your depth is deplorable bud. go back to drinking your green koolaid tho. trust us. we know pathetic canadian depth when we see it.
  11. either way.. woo hoo, this is gonna be an interesting thing to behold.
  12. yea we have built a damn good o-line with a solid mix of youth, strength and depth. how anyone can consider it weak (especially Bond, who imo completely turned our line around when he was inserted) defies common sense. I guess we will have to wait til the end of the season for the tale of the tape.
  13. and at the very least, it means (to me anyway) they are going to be susceptible to the run due to Muamba not being 100 or having to fill in with some other LB that isn't ready.. win win.
  14. it literally bottles the mind how they can come to the conclusions they do at times..
  15. funny story about him, I believe.. he was bomber property on our PR but we released him to let him pursue an NFL opportunity.. he came back and I think signed with... Hamilton? Then left to play for Calgary from there.. then onto Ottawa. I agree, I'd have liked to have him in blue and gold 3 teams ago lol.
  16. this makes me excite. hopefully he can heal up and push to bump lankford off the roster..
  17. man I hate those mediocre all-star and top 50 CFL players.
  18. it is frightening how blinded they are to their own inadequacies and feel like they are so superior. I don't get how a team that flopped so hard last season and barely changed anything from said last season is supposed to be better then a team that 180'd and had a pretty dang good season and record.. I get they hate us.. but I am beginning to think its they hate us because they ain't us
  19. ya if it angers the rider faithful as well as being a boon for the league.. that just makes me that much more happy lol
  20. ya, exactly. I think this quote is more so in reference to all the people who keep saying "its not going to happen, they can't duplicate their turnover success.. " as opposed to saying that is what their primary focus is. obviously the primary focus is to force 2 and outs, stop the run and minimize any completed passes.. pressure will cause the mistakes that lead to turnovers.
  21. never thought of that.. would be a shame to bump Normand due to roster management. I don't know if Lawrence would be able to fill Normand's role either as a blocker/FB/TE.. is he more a prototypical RB and RB only? and I agree with the LB/DB on the teams mentality.. He seems to like to stock up the cover and block teams with those types of bodies (or turn FBs into LBs lol) and frankly, I think its smart. they are often more used to the bash and crash of the teams and are used to tackling and tracking players where as receivers,RBs,etc need a bit more coaching up to be really good at the ST stuff. Not that im surprised but since Osh came on board, our teams have been pretty freakin' awesome.. if it ain't broke..
  22. thats very true too. If he felt he was going to get buried on the roster and not see any game time, maybe he did pipe up to his agent and it led to this. sad state of affairs if true but I suppose thats the nature of the beast in a smaller league where the agents do have some pull across multiple teams..either way, their loss could be our gain... or someone's anyway. wonder if Calgary is interested as well with Walters retiring..
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