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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. do have to wonder why BC would let him go tho.. thought he was relatively highly touted coming into the draft. I don't see why we wouldn't take a shot at bringing him in for all of the above mentioned reasons. he would be a good backup for a few spots (returner, RB/FB, teams in general)
  2. nope. i've learned that sometimes criticism is not a bad thing. I will pipe up if I feel like someone's critiquing something completely off-base but otherwise, I'm good with just scrollin' on by these days. but even back in the day, I wasn't above critiquing stuff like Glenn's play, certain players, etc etc.
  3. maaaaaaaaybe.. but i've tempered myself in the last few seasons. I don't get all uppity when I see negativity anymore and can appreciate the other side of the equation more these days.
  4. yea I'm a savage liker. dunno why, do it on fb too lol. but you post some good stuffs that I tend to agree with, hence the likes. thats basically how I work, if I like and agree, boom a like or if it makes me laugh. either or, likes galore!
  5. I am kind of a big deal, lol.
  6. got a screen cap but dunno how to post it lol. says basically you get 100 a day and thats it.
  7. as do I but I get a message saying I can't like no mo'
  8. apparently. 100 per day but I did't think I was that lovey-dovey with all of youse lol.
  9. damnit, outta likes. this was mint tho mike.
  10. I dont see it either man. Enstrom's a pretty solid defender. you sure you're not just hung up on the small size thing? He plays sound defensively, has an offensive spark and is usually disruptive with his stick in passing lanes..
  11. good call.. a boy amongst men and he struggled? Noooo waaay! lol
  12. If stoddard was just a bit more of a physical freak, he would have been such a legend with his ability to make those clutch catches and even turn em up field at time for 3-5 yards, lol. miss having a reliable option like he was for a bleeder valve when needed. Harris is similar I suppose with his receiver ability but often is shadowed. Stoddard would usually have to fight off, what, a canadian CB or really bad american?
  13. great move but gamble? it was a 6th rounder lol. I cant believe they got Green for that.. might as well have traded him for a bag of peanuts.
  14. stodds on steroids? dare to dream Brian, dare to dream.
  15. Gordon was a ridiculously talented receiver for finding the open spots on the field and for possession. Id have kept him over Simon at that point too..
  16. wise move. don't want to be accused of controlling the message.
  17. cuz we have a dome to practice in?
  18. very stoked for this pick and signing. hopefully he can impress a bit this season and if he doesn't slot into any actual game action, next season's training camp he can come in with a full season of.. seasoning? lol and make some noise.. Tho, I could see him pushing for a role this season if he shows well enough in the first few weeks with how thin we currently are at the non-imp REC spot on our roster..
  19. plus I believe hes pretty solid at blocking as well from what i've heard.
  20. thats one of the first things I said, hes played in Minny so hes going to be used to our climate, which is awesome! big target, seems like he could be a nice fit here.
  21. they do go part and parcel.. gonna act like a clown.. best dress em up like clowns
  22. "its just another game man.. nobody died." that quote will forever stick in my craw when discussing Glenn and his career.
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