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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. 3 man rush usually indicates a more pass-heavy defense. We would want to use Harris more in screens, passes as he sneaks out of the backfield if not picked up by a DB/SAM. this should allow Nichols ample time tho as well to pick apart the weak secondary that the riders will field. So in essence, its an attempt to cover up the backend of the team by adding an extra defender into the mix but at the cost of run protection/pressure on the QB... in years past, 3 man pressure would have forced our QBs to rush due to interior collapses but I think our revamped o-line will handle this easily.. *knocks on wood*
  2. Its coke. sometimes you die. you nevah do coke before? sorry, couldn't resist.
  3. coulda swore I saw on twitter that T Olliver called out Drew Edwards for giving this info out.. something along the lines of "cool, how'd you know before I do?" might not be as bad as advertised.
  4. yea I agree. at the time, I didn't see that it was as treatment for his ADHD so this was a bit of a stretch upon further review.. tho, if you say it like Mike Tyson, still funny.. either way, you'd have thought an athlete would know what he can and cannot be putting into his body, especially considering something that contains amphedamines..
  5. yes, it has. as soon as its "loose" its not in possession anymore. as you see, it spins out of his control right before the plane is broken...
  6. huh. weird, must be post concussion syndrome then ya lol. I totally thought he played for the riders or was from saskatchewan with how much love hes always showing them.
  7. he has some saskabushian connection.. from there originally maybe? or maybe hes just crazy,
  8. you, me, every fan in the cfl, rest of the league besides everyone in saskabush..
  9. rider green runs strong even after retirement?
  10. ya, no offense intended.. if I did offend someone, I apologize.
  11. yea I suppose you could say we have a lot of split personalities but I mean, its not far off either with Schizophrenic too, no? random outbursts that make no sense, random tangents that don't have any bearing in whats actually going on.. prone to fits of rage for no reason...
  12. id put it on the blackboard. hes "putting us on notice" essentially, which is a pretty bizarre way to start the season imo.
  13. I didn't know this but doesn't surprise me in the least if it happened..
  14. you forgot to put the /sarcasm behind that. oh.. you were serious?? baaaahahahahahahhahahahahahaha. *wipes tear*
  15. erm.. wut? lol. you sure you wanna take pot shots at us already??
  16. sòk. we got the bye week to let him heal it up a bit and flanders is more then a capable option for the short term. I believe we have the ratio flexibility to not let it hinder us too much..
  17. Mike Kelly got one thing right.. our fanbase is skitzophrenic.
  18. not a bad idea at all to bring in Blaszko. we don't exactly have a dearth of non-imp pass catchers so if he can show more then Coates or Richards (once.. if he is ever, healthy) then its a win and if he doesn't, oh well.
  19. thanks for that and yea it makes it easier for the refs to verify who is legal or not to be involved in the play I believe.
  20. for the role expected of the MLB in our defense, why is that so crazy to you? We have been trying to find a dominant D-line (which is the reason why our LB core can be less then spectacular. People get so hung up on preconceived notions around here. MLB doesn't NEED to be a stud. they can be a game manager just like a game manager QB.. Hes got the smarts to make sure everyone is where they need to be and hes got the skills to make the tackles when they need to be. Hes also very much a systems guy so when hes assigned a gap, he sticks to it until the very bitter end and thats why he gets caught "out of position" he usually is in his position but then has to cover for either a blown gap by the D-line or by the WIL. Hes far from a superstar but hes definitely solid and dependable and more then capable of the handling the mental side of things.
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