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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. RIP Don.. he was a great part of the CFL for a very long time. will be missed.
  2. agree 100% he is a capable MLB but he isn't an all-star or world beater.. IF we have a dominant front 4 then having an average MLB who can stop the RB if he gets thru or can cover a crossing route, we good. Its not like hes an absolute slouch..
  3. lol. good call. this way he can say he wasnt surprised if it happens.
  4. I don't think Kelly was over his head. He went on to win coach of the year for Widner College and run a pretty good program there. I think he was too big for his britches and any adversity he had to deal with really rocked his ship. His personal life coupled with the teams struggles really did him in.. his attitude at the time was also a detriment but I think if he was winning, it wouldn't have been considered so negatively.. I found it refereshing to see someone put the media in its place after they had creative control for so long.
  5. this. bang on. its tough sledding to get a QB thats effective to come down to the CFL. NFL gets first crack of all the top guys. then the next level guys too as they sit on developmental roster spots or camp fodder.. dreaming of playing in the NFL.. we get the odd ones that fall thru the cracks who have potential but lack something.. and they flame out or cant get rid of the desire to chase the NFL dream.. then the 4th tier or scraps. The cfl has to kiss a ton of frogs before they end up with their prices unfortunately.. its been this way for as long as I can re-member.
  6. well yes and no.. after he left here, didn't he land on some other rosters and not go anywhere there either? I didn't think we were the only team where he flamed out.. I do agree that he was the closest to the "one" we could have had develop into something work sticking around tho in a long time.
  7. is it? he got here, he looked bad in the game he was in.. maybe he didn't look as good in camp as we all thought? I mean, its really not surprising to me. I don't know why its so shocking to some people that a QB would get cut after a poor performance when the bullets are flying..
  8. totally agree. Nichols has proven that being a smart, savvy QB who doesn't make many mistakes and cause turnovers can be successful. Its not like his arm is garbage or he cant run either. Hes not an athletic freak like some people need as a QB but hes a very smart game managing QB who is more then capable. I have no issues going forward with Nichols at the helm until we see Davis progress further or we find the next diamond in the rough..
  9. how?! he proved himself in Edmonton and then here. Hes proven himself. all hes done is win when he has been a starter. how much more proving does a guy need to do?
  10. must not be aware of how a team usually comes together in camp.. fights are ridonkulously common..
  11. and the ire that it will cause will create such a stir that all the active threads with be overburdened with "Danny Mac and Ted Govia are teh sux" posts all over again.. look forward to it!
  12. Sooo all of the time they have seen him in mini-camp and main camp means nothing?? cool.
  13. yup. he volley'd em up and then didn't fight for em. not to mention, if O'shea and Lapo wanted to give up on him... thats kind of telling, especially considering our depth.
  14. very good points. With a better supporting cast, its easy to see (to me anyway) that he could be capable of even better production then his last season..
  15. If he hasn't been coached out of that yet.. in how many stops in the CFL, how do you think it will change here? IMO its just his way of playing and its not conducive to success as a starter. you pinpoint on his weaknesses and he becomes a liability..
  16. shabazz wasn't a bomber at this point tho..
  17. i will gladly admit to watching a few Ron Jeremy..*ahem* movies in my day but it most definitely was not for the chunky, hairy blob mentioned beforehand. he always seemed to have some very well put together supporting casts..
  18. I don't recall those moments. I always seemed to remember Willy being more calm and not chilled but focused. (kevin Glennesque but minus the "ho hum, just a game") he would show some emotion when things didn't go like they hoped/wanted but nothing near Nichols consistent firing up the o-line, receivers, etc etc. Nothing wrong with that mentality and leadership style either, some players respond better to having a calm sense from their QB, others like the rah rah type. I don't think Willy was a bad QB leadership wise because he wasn't rah rah either, I just never saw that from him.. again, could have missed it but if he did showcase it, it wasn't often. I also don't agree that he would have softly told the rookie to stop.. he would have been direct and made sure he knew that he wasn't happy. he wasn' a wall flower or a wuss in any way.
  19. ...or your assessment of a qb is wrong based on the fact you are simply a fan? maybe he was a **** behind the scenes? speculating that its simply because its O'shea not liking the guy is kinda lame. Maybe he asked for his release when he saw he wasn't going to be #1 or 2? nobody but the guys you are slamming know the truth of it all.
  20. if I recall correctly, Willy never was catergorized as a fire in the belly, lead with your voice and actions type guy. He was always a calm, level headed and a bit soft spoken QB when here.. imo. I could be wrong.
  21. this is exactly my opinion of how things played out as well.. I ain't sold on him after one pre-season game as he has done this before. Hes always looked well enough in spot duty but struggled once teams can pinpoint his strengths and take them away..
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