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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. plus 87% of people who took a poll.. pretty decent sample size. 3 random fans, all on the same "re-sign him" kick.. but hey, keep on spinnin' those tires.
  2. but its not. I've been in 3 different debates with rider fans saying we should just all forgive and forget because of this not guilty outcome. just because you don't see it, doesn't mean its not true..
  3. and so unethical! smh, I cant honestly believe we are having a discussion about ethics on a football fan board. season start now please before someone's head explodes.
  4. me too actually. I could give zero care for how the site looked imo. if it funtioned (which OB did and didn't at times lol) then I was happy.. I havent had nearly the "wtfs up now" moments with MBB that I had with OB. I do miss some of the old schoolers too.. Geebs for sure, Furbelly from many many moons ago, grumpy, neg (but he still comes around here sometimes) and for some weird reason, Gbill.. tho I think it was more a morbid curiousity to see what may be posted next and how it would be taken by the board lol.
  5. just confirms what ive always known about Reed.. psychopath who seems to make the dumbest football decisions ever.
  6. are you making fun of my choice of automobile, young man?
  7. Hes so full of energy and I get the impression he truly loves what he does. one of Walter's best finds to date imo. Hope hes in blue and gold for awhile.
  8. lol well yes and no I'm sure.. I can't imagine you and rich sat there with steepled fingers saying "time for the OB to.... DIE! muahahhahha!" you guys wanted to bring another option to the table with the hopes it would eventually draw all the posters over and let OB slide into.. well.. where it has, lol.. you guys really didn't game plan to kill OB, did you? thats like.. premeditated murder or something.
  9. seconded. I tried to stay active on both but wow did MBB really put the fork into OB. (not purposely I'm sure but there really isn't enough room in the interwebs for 2 decent forums and one decrepit one lol) I too hope Colin keeps active in the bomber internet community.
  10. yup. me too. OB was my first foray into bomber online mingling and loved it. Hated how it unraveled. When MBB came to be, I was skeptical but wow has it been a god-send. I rarely, if ever enter the circus that is TEP.
  11. I coulda sworn it was against rules to poach draft picks whom were on the PR unless its just a gentleman's agreement throughout the CFL?
  12. thats true too.. forgot about that part.
  13. why? the other team would have to make a play for him... he would have to consent to go to said team AND we can block it simply by putting him on the active roster.. people worry too much about this perceived PR poaching. If someone is "stolen" off a PR, its because the team let it happen..
  14. Like I said, Im an optimist BUT i can see when I've made mistakes. even I was saying it was time for him to move on towards the end. I still contend Kelly was in a really shitty situation and that he could have made it work but it was the best move at the time.
  15. I dunno man.. Im a die hard fan of the blue and love the Jets.. Id not go to nearly the lengths that ive seen from rider fans tho to follow the agenda so to speak. I'm all for full blown fanboyness but at the same time, reality seems to be something that falls off the wayside over there.. *shrug* I also get that riders is all saskatchewan has but really, I could almost see Jones pulling the old "we are bigger then god" like the beatles did and 97% of the rider fan base would be nodding in agreement..
  16. being 6'9, i get this so often... didnt help i drove a 90 festiva for awhile lol.
  17. it really is disturbing how deeply the love for the riders goes over there.. I mean I get it. but if everyone is holding a blue pen and calling it blue... and Jones said "naw its red.." we would have a legion of rider fans adamantly insisting it was a red pen. I know I'm known to be an optimistic sort and hold our coaches in high esteem BUT I do realize when its time to start calling a spade a spade. over there tho, they will continue to strum the banjo as Saskabush burns down around them... so very... cult-like.
  18. oh and did I mention, omfgwoo! CAMPS HERE!!! yayayayayayayyayay!
  19. thats my secret cap.. i'm always angry. that and I don't eat nearly enough snickers.
  20. lol. yea its been a rowdy start.. can't wait to see what else is coming down the pipe. the Gbill part tho is absolute gold.
  21. pun.. definitely pun.. sigh, no speed typing and meant on par.. unleash the slings and arrows grammar/spelling hordes!
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