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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. that is a thing of beauty and easily on part with Donaldson's of the BlueJays of last year.
  2. ...or maybe this is the reason why we havent tried to land him yet?
  3. 50'S CFL'er... 70's porn start.. either or, lol.
  4. First Willy, now MBT.. it would be funny if Bennett gets cut from the Riders and then ends up there too lol.
  5. guess he really wants to come down and showcase himself. I can't blame him, I seem to think the CFL is the best stepping stone back into the NFL's graces.. AFL seems pretty rare to make the jump and the other upstarts are still a ways away..
  6. Id say no.. if he shows well enough to be backup to whomever starts and others cant beat him out of his job then he sticks.. keep a 3rd around for ST/backup in case.. we do seem to always have injured canadian receivers.
  7. when he has been healthy, hes looked the part. hes had some really crappy luck for injuries.. with his size and stature, I'd be surprised if he doesn't play teams if hes healthy. With that said, I don't fault the staff if he does end up getting cut if he gets hurt again or doesn't beat out the new guys coming to camp for his job..
  8. we definitely left a lot of points on the field last year. I don't doubt that lapo will do the best he can to correct that. he knows as well as we do that you can't win many games by kicking field goals.
  9. good call on both of those. I thought Frederick and Roberts were essentially neck in neck but he must have graded out higher.
  10. ....but I didn't. I posted after you commented. unless you meant in general, in which case.. from the first page he was posting.. either you really are in full blownt trollolol mode or forgot your meds. not sure which one is better at this point but.. yea. you guys need counselling.
  11. odd. I thought he showed very well last season.. should make the battle for DB's this season interesting..
  12. wow do you misconstrue stuff. I was making a joke at your "bettering someone" I don't give two squirts of piss about this little bickering girlfight lol.
  13. very dr.phil of you.. now its mikes turn to say "cash me owwside howbowdah?"
  14. Oh no.. hes gonna set himself back like Richards did by cutting off the mane! all jokes aside, very cool of him to dedicate himself to such a worthy cause. F%$& Cancer!
  15. yea im in the same boat.. this has trumpesqueian fake news all over it.
  16. ugh that sucks.. but does that mean a re-sign once healthy?
  17. hypothetically yes.. if the defensive co-ordinator on the other side of the ball doesn't deviate much from their play calling.. if they are more cavalier with how they run a defense, it may backfire.. it would also aid in upping the percentages of plays working if all the variables are factored in, for sure but thats also its Achilles heel, so many variables in play on every down..
  18. and truthfully I have zero issues with that, seeing as the odds are pretty good he isn't going to get cut nor is he going to suddenly retire. If thats the deal Walters went with to sweeten the pot a bit, I see no reason for people to freak about it.. its not revolutionizing how people sign their picks imo.
  19. and somehow, some way on facebook this has caused much turmoil lol. Some fans are outraged that Walters would mess with how much 1st round draft picks are paid (even tho its only aprox 10k more then last years deal for St.John) and even more surprising, its from a staunch Leos fan... rider fans are suspiciously quiet..
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