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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. absolute BEAST. how deep is that i wonder..
  2. I definitely think we did pretty good with the picks we had and factoring in GW from the supplimental draft, it makes it pretty impressive (if Waggoner keeps progressing and sees more time on the field in the defense) what I wanna know is what is the plan with him? Safety? SAM? backup to one or the other? we are starting to get a bit deep on canadian secondary talent lol.
  3. he really looks like Tommy Canada. kinda errie lol. Can't wait to see what this kid brings in camp.. explosive burst..
  4. welp cant fault the kid to want to get to the big leagues but hopefully for us (and I hate to wish ill will upon anyone) he doesn't get the deal he wants.
  5. what. no brendan taman references? lol
  6. this excites me, lol. I've been a fan of his coaching for awhile and I think the Sens need a guy like him.
  7. Bennett I believe is slotted into that slot, no? seems to have a lot of intangibles that could make a solid CFL QB if hes willing to play the waiting game now that hes the short man on the totem pole.
  8. cant help but hope he falls thru the cracks.. as badly as wishing negative throughts upon someone is lol.. if not, so be it. I really don't mind waiting for exceptional talent IF they decide to play in the CFL after its all said and done.
  9. yup. totally agree.. guy was awesome when he was here and sucks time caught up with him (as it does all of us) but he was one of my faves as well. glad to see him retire in blue and gold.
  10. tep might have a problem with this idea lol.
  11. Thanks for that Jaquie. I was far too lazy to look it up lol.. i mean I was at work.. yea.. thats the ticket.
  12. whats the deal with collaros? is he still out or.. seems like some talk of him not being ready..
  13. quick answer.. yes. long answer.. yup pretty sure your the minority
  14. Answers obvious.. he wasnt A fan of the bombers.
  15. this drug is taking, of all things, professional poker by storm. a few of the "superstars" have said its actually ruining poker. essentially legalized meth from what I understand.
  16. yup.. even brock ralph could get open. he could even catch too.. bout it though.
  17. well, no you should have meant couldn't because he wasn't going to be staying in saskabush as a backup. He made it well known that he wanted to be a starter and didn't want to backup.. so they couldn't have kept him unless they dethroned durant. capishe?
  18. while I do agree, I hope this generates more desire from people to become refs and go through the training. It seems like there is little to no grass roots building of referees to advance to this level.. hopefully this helps.. also, glad its happening finally as it SHOULD make our officials more capable.
  19. yea going by a reporter's belief might as well be as wise as going by the comments in said reporter's article.
  20. Yup. That would make the most sense. Good find freddy!
  21. Hes added key nats to free up spots to use american hogs if need be. Hes drafted the best olinemen that he could with his picks. You cant go mental on just one part of the team because some "knowledgable" fans say he needs to. Chungh and goosen are legit starters and will be for seasons. Bryant is one of the best tackles in the league. Neufie is servicable as a guard OR we can get an american in there.. The only GLARING hole is at RT.. imo you have a jaded opinion on walters and think hes not capable of doing his job. I dont know why you expect perfection from a rookie GM but i think hes done far more good then bad. Everyone is entitled to their opinion obviously but i just do not get your ire in his direction..
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