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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. yea maybe. wait, rider's minicamp. is he released from Mtl or he still their property? I know they let him go pursue that fly by night league's "marque" designation for some team. Guess they let him walk and said buh bye lol.
  2. *shrug* ive viewed your name as ironic as all hell since you've been posting. you rarely if ever come across as the real negative one around here.
  3. I mean sure.. but him? Ida thought he was so far removed from an NFL taxi squad as it could get. no rookies, NCAA, or even AFL guys looking for work? lol. just struck me as a really odd signing.. or one hell of an amazing agent.
  4. hes probably been standing there for days.. waiting, watching.
  5. How did lefevour's agent manage to land that deal.. Bottles the mind..
  6. exactly.. he just said he needs to work quicker and make his decisions faster. don't always need to take a hit to make a play..
  7. thats kinda what I got from it too.. "heres what I want to do.. Help me plan this out so we can make it work.." not "heres what I want to do.. DO IT! DO IT NOW!"
  8. I was wondering that as well.. all good to know 10 out of 11 of them have been added but.. what where they again lol.
  9. yea.. thanks. *cracks bottle of whiskey* now to remove said memory again from the brain.
  10. Richards was apparently hurt legitimately. required off-season surgery on his hip I believe it was.
  11. this is exactly what I keep thinking when that ticker keeps scrolling thru rider mini-camp messages. Like I give two squirts of piss if Jones thanked some rider media leech for being at the camp.
  12. well at that point I'd just ask to fill up in between their huge pile of bottles.. if they say no, just dump all their other ones that are full and walk away lol. but I agree, that is a joke of a wait and the people who are doing it should be considerate and have said "oh one bottle? sure go ahead.." then filled one or two and then did it again type thing.
  13. but but but... we did so badly we must have lost money!
  14. not to mention how much did Muamba play in his first season as well? He was a much more cfl ready player and if I recall, he was a ST guy essentially his first season too..
  15. yup, agree 100%.. so many people are still stuck in this madden mentality where the player should just show up, start right away and be a fixture. they don't comprehend that it takes awhile to get a grip on the speed of the CFL, the nuances of the game and finding their role on the team... so odd.
  16. it really is but in the CFL its evolve or die. I hope we evolve lol.
  17. ..and thats the thing.. its still a "may" he could flame out this pre-season for all we know and be lining up beside westermann by august. Sometimes you need to take a gamble on players who are capable of dominating our game even if it takes them 3-4 seasons to fall thru the cracks..
  18. im pretty confident its one of those pipe dreams that every team wishes for 3+ canadian o-linemen. we are just not likely to go that route with the depth we have imo. like you said, we are cutting it to the bone if we attempt that and then will be scrambling if (when) the injury bug hits.
  19. exactly. having to go with 3 imps is actually becoming much more common place now that D-lines are so ferocious. I'm not really bothered by it either as long as we have capable canadians on the D-line (which i think we do) and in other spots..
  20. how many seasons did he do that.. 3-4? lol.
  21. fair enough. I thought he was capable in his first season and while tempered by the last few rookies we have seen come through the wings, believe he will evolve into a solid addition as he gets more into the CFL game and its speed/timing..
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