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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. Nichols with a full tc and preseason makes for a legit backup with actual games and wins under his belt.. Granted on a different squad but he is the best backup option we have had in eons..
  2. IMO... Coaching is a full time job and every time you give more than 1 full time job to a coach you're making them work twice as hard and dividing their focus. I'd rather a rookie receivers coach to handle the day to day with PLAP doing the top end work than PLAP doing both jobs full time. Same goes for O'Shea as the HC/STC. BTW: Yes... I know other coaches do it at a high level, but I'm not convinced that either PLAP or O'Shea are able to do 2 full time jobs. probably both lol. but yea you are correct LaPo to coach receivers as well as per rumour mill at the combine.
  3. tend to agree with you. these are 2 huge comic icons coming together.. Cap and Iron man, while huge in their own right, are not the flagship characters for the MCU.. Batman and Superman on the other hand..
  4. I can agree with the aprehension of the shoulder issues. I have "loose" shoulder joints from not getting them pinned back in the day and they can go out from the simplest of actions now. throwing a football or baseball. dunking a basket ball.. sucks.
  5. one of the biggest steals in the draft or still yet to be decided.. any which way ya slice it, wow the kid has some game at the junior level.
  6. whats the word on Patton? how'd he go from an every day return man to cfl tryout? just too many burners down south?
  7. I somehow doubt a former HC is going to be overburdened by going his current duties and coaching up the receivers.. seeing as he will be working with said receivers on a regular basis anyway..
  8. I think DB and maybe receivers? so none, really lol.
  9. rabble rabble? you realize we still have almost 4 months before camp right?
  10. I hadn't heard that part in my readings.. If true then an explosive decompression sounds likely.
  11. I took from it that Rothschild (owner of freescale semi-conductors) wanted full patent rights (and to keep it out of the hands of china/north korea/russia for a little while at least) and the wack of cash that would come with it. it just seems really suspect to me that 4 out of 5 patent holders are on the plane, as well as a bunch of engineers involved with the creation of this revolutionary semi conductor would all be on the same flight, same day, etc etc and have it crash.. leaving rothschild the sole owner and proprietor of this new tech. and well, we all know how many things the rothschild empire has been linked to in the last decade.. *shrug* something that made me go hmm..
  12. there is an anon video about this particular crash and they make some very compelling arguments to suggest that foul play was involved in this catastrophe.. I'm not normally one to jump to conclusions on any conspiracy theories but this one really made me sit up and take notice. have a watch.
  13. not gonna lie, thats what popped into my head first as well.,
  14. good to see. glad we are bringing in more amerk oliners.
  15. Yea and I agree with you on the patience versus produce side of things. its time to piss or get off the pot so to speak. I just think that we do have the foundation in place now and it seems to be paying dividends in regards to bringing in some better FAs and players who want to be here a part of it.
  16. yup. its entertaining to watch the people complain about the culture.. then complain about an article trying to convey the fact they have changed the culture and continue to try and make it a better place to draw in the best players and coaches.. negatrons.. hoooooo!
  17. great move to have him re-upp'd.
  18. Yes.. Every american in the league is going to want to play for USD and i doubt any of the cfl or its canadian teams would want to switch to it as the main form of currency.. Especially now..
  19. yup absolute joke no call in game or after review. he was CLEARLY in a vulnerable situation and Stahlman or whatever his name is didn't let up.. one bit. he powered into and thru little. stupid cheapshotting punk.,
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