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Everything posted by SPuDS

  1. I like Jonte's size as well, 6 foot and some decent experience in the NFL (granted not in the best of secondaries.. but I digress)
  2. a blatant positivity thread and I didn't even get an honourable mention? im miffed. miffed i tells ya!
  3. Bullseye, dead in the mark lol.
  4. helly doesn't need to clear waivers in order to go down, hence he got the demotion.. Pavs needs some game time to shake off some rust, Hutch is a very solid backup and could use the starts too depending on how long helly stays down.. but hypothetically speaking, a trade involving one of the other could be in the works.
  5. exactly. there is no promise that he can play the position as effectively as LT. some tackles can and have done so in the past but its more an added bonus then an expectation..
  6. do we really need to be grooming a backup RB though? as long as their serviceable.. plus Lochard was highly regarded if memory serves. Id maybe try to find a volny or woodson.. but bout it lol.
  7. huh. ill believe ya as I don't have any pvr'd games anymore to reference and was going by my apparently bad memory lol. regardless, im glad hes not our starter anymore as his snaps were so poor. if his blocking was as bad as mentioned as well, then bully for us
  8. a lot of people say Picard was horrible but I really think him having a rookie beside him and an underperforming greaves on the other side made him look worse then he was in blocking. his snaps though, those were all on him.. they were atrocious.
  9. Yea I think Denmark is a strong, quiet type of leader. I hope dressler can take the mantle of being the leader of our offense even though hes new to the fold. we definitely seemed to lack an identity on the offense. Willy and Dressler having previous history may make this transition easier. someone needs to step up regardless though on that side of the ball.
  10. yea he always went off on us too it seems.. glad hes a bomber now
  11. capicotti and lemon in saskabush?
  12. id bring muamba back for sure. if it costs us a cap penalty, so be it. as long as don't exceed it to the point of losing a pick, whats the harm? plus, as mentioned, he is a huge upgrade over hurl. if we are planning on canadian at MLB, this really seems like a no brainer to me.
  13. hey, you gotta respect ard's dedication to the cause tho. just because its so overwhelmingly positive (even i don't go that far) he definitely lives and dies on his sword
  14. ....and he lands in toronto after we sign medlock. worked out best for both parties lol. I'd hate to see him regain his former level of play there but medlock definitely isn't a slouch.. hard to complain that we brought him in (minus his cost)
  15. what a frenzy so far. we've definitely put a dent in some of the holes on our roster today, thats for sure.
  16. And its been mentioned more then a few times around here as well..
  17. And we did offer lirim a contract as of last week so yea, saying "moving on " is a bit of an embellishment.. He's in negotiations and will be hitting FA.. If he doesn't get any bites, I'd expect him to sign here at a reduced rate.
  18. I heard one of our backup QBs or a neg lister QB of ours ended up being drafted as well..
  19. Yea. That must be it when signing tc fodder.. smh. If hes starting then you can use this as ammo against him.
  20. And thats it exactly. We dont need to hitch the wagon to lirim (if he even wants to come back..) we can have other options available if he stuggles again.. I would just hate it to see him on another team performing at the level he was at prior to last season..
  21. But thats the thing.. He forced his price waaaaay down now. Why wouldnt we be happy at that prospect? Sign the guy who set a record for consistency at a reduced rate and IF he doesnt return to form, cut him.. If he does? We are laughing... I really dont see the negatives here to be honest. He either sinks or swims. Its not like hes the only option we have.. Castillo did very well last year, we could draft a backup and hopefully resign lirim. Best man at camp wins.
  22. Exactly. And like mentioned before, a sophmore slump is more common then not. Its not something that isnt fixable and its not something that always lasts. Why risk him regaining his form with a other team while we struggle to find yet another solution or bandaid?
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