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IC Khari

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Everything posted by IC Khari

  1. The guy has the physical tools and good speed to avoid the rush, he just needs some time. He already appears to be better than anything Pierce has offered this year IMO, so why not start playing him now?
  2. Come on Bombers help me out eh? This is NOT how I want to be tonight ... Nor like this ... especially NOT LIKE THIS ... I want to be like this around 10 pm tonight this is fine too ... Come on Bombers, smash the Argos, rock their boat!
  3. Hope our special teams doesn't look like this tonight or this ... LOL
  4. Demond Washington ... you are ridiculous!
  5. Oops, well at least now I can say tonight Pretty excited for the start of the season ... maybe overly so
  6. I like our chances tonight being the first game, the new digs/big crowd, and the surprise element of not seeing each other yet etc. Having Matthews play should help ...
  7. Yep, his first pro camp and with the team his dad was a legend with. Makes sense he'd be nervous at times. I think the kid will turn it around.
  8. With a name like that it's too bad he sucked so much ...
  9. Surprising lack of coverage thus far but the first thing I heard was essentially "goodbye Mike Renaud" Cameron looked good. Real good. Sounds like Renaud might be the Pete Best of Bomber punters this camp
  10. hey look! big picture didn't break the website!
  11. i have no idea what your image is supposed to mean... but i find it oddly fascinating... :shock: Me too I guess it's my twisted way of inferring that Barker has come out of his shell about the Brink thing ...
  12. Winning more than losing is definitely the way to go, glad to see Burke has grown into this head coaching thing
  13. QB is definitely the battle Iso ... I also think that DB and DL will bring some surprises. The LB core will be interesting to watch as well.
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