I bumped into him and jason vega in the food court of the mall in Regina last year before the Labour day game. I asked about this and he said that he does see or hear about most of them and thinks they are funny, and that there are some creative people out there.
It seemed like they had a pretty good grasp on what Montreal's somewhat new offence was going to look like, and the plays they could and would run out of different formations.
they mentioned it a bit in the pre-game and it seemed to me that they said it was going to pass by without hitting them too much. but damn this is a lot of rain.
weather might have something to do with it.
and esks throw another pick as i type this. both teams making huge mistakes. dunno what is uglier, the cats, the eskies, or the eskies jerseys.
update, no pic. incomplete pass.
Opening kickoff and the esks are right back at it with a fumble. Going to be interesting to see what the cats offense can do with no fantuz after he got hurt in practice.