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Everything posted by Fraser

  1. is it at 6 or 6:30 our time? I hate when they post the pre game time as the start time.
  2. I think Chevon walker will have something to prove and will be very danegrous/
  3. yeah and at one point Glenn wasn't a starter in favour of Quiton porter.
  4. lucky to have the biggest choke artist to ever play in the cfl. riight. enjoy cheering for a loser.
  5. anyone who makes inference about this in any kind of fashion that might be construed as a jinxing said inference should be banned from the site.
  6. With 22 people already on the IR, if half their roster got hurt they would litterally have a whole team on the IR.
  7. I'm sure they just added Beaulieu-Richard to the roster and then he suddenly got injured.
  8. You guys all have transplanted "backup QB" sydrome but instead of calling for the guy on the bench you are calling for the never was who is a career 50/50 nobody. In 2007 he had one of the best lines, RB's and receivers in the league and he only looked good for half the year. He limped into the playoffs, could barely beat marcus brady in the eastern Semi final. Once teams figured out his quick relase he was pretty much nullified.
  9. based on FF and a hatred for the Riders I hope that TO wins.
  10. Fine the intereeption is a wash but I'm sure we've got a guy on our bench that can throw a pass away and then take a sack. He's not a winner, he's never going to be a winner and all this pining away for Kevin Glenn makes me want to barf.
  11. He only played well for half of 2007. He might also lose you a game with a KG special http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZOgF4EbWO8
  12. 4 for 7 with one pick coming off the bench. I'm sure we could get that kind of production from one of our nobodies. Boggles my mind that somone can suggest we are wasting our time with Pierce or that Glenn would be an upgrade. If he showed up tomorrow he'd play a few good games and a few bad ones and he'd ultimatley **** the bed like he always does.
  13. yes Glenn is going no where fast because he is a terrible QB.
  14. I remember us getting called for loose ball intereference and losing a turn over due to it and being livid. If that wasn't loose ball intereference I don't know what is
  15. First of all we are talking about the CFL at a position where people can play pretty long. Second of all, my point is, I don't know how Tate can he heralded as having his entire career ahead of him and Buck going out to pasture with the small age discrepancy
  16. Tate isn't exactly a spring chicken, he's only 3 years younger than Buck
  17. thought so too but I guess they feel it could be even better. I know the DLine doesn't need to thrive on continuity that much but with that change and the DT changing it'll be a lot different from last week.
  18. exactly. just like how every draft pick we make is a bust .
  19. I would try this is we weren't so dependent on a dominate D performacne to win games.
  20. I guess we'll see how good Frazier is. At this point I wouldn't be opposed to bringing in Huntly off Calgary's PR.
  21. I'm taking gable and if doesn't score the better
  22. dumb play call on third and 1.5
  23. holding 10 times before they got him down.
  24. well I'm willing to give our O a pass in the last 2 games but if they can't look better against the hammer then there are some issues.
  25. he basically threw the first one right at howard.
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