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Everything posted by Atomic

  1. Big difference in responsibilities between a corner in the NFL and a halfback in the CFL. All CFL halfbacks who start the whole season (or close to it) rack up big tackle numbers. It can't really be avoided.
  2. The thing about BC's o-line is that their tackles are pretty good, but their interior is just terrible. Edmonton is just plain bad across the line.
  3. If you think that anyone cares at all about what you're a fan of, well, I suppose you're "entitled to your believe", as you say.
  4. No ****, the point is that it's not all on the o-line. Try to follow along, doctor, it's not that complicated.
  5. 7 rushers against 6 blockers what do you propose they do? Grow extra arms?
  6. Hamilton or Calgary. Hamilton gets the nod because Cgy is starting a rookie center right now. Honourable mention to Toronto.
  7. I didn't mind it. Silly article but it mainly just highlights that there is a tough road ahead, which is true. Best way to silence this type of article is to win some games.
  8. This is the "Pick the winners" pool. The Lock of the Week is in the other thread.
  9. Nobody's getting fired 2 games into the season. The fans/media can clamour for it all they want, but if we win the third game, no one cares that we started 0-2. Panic time doesn't start unless we hit 0-4. Never mind the fact that we haven't even played that second game yet.
  10. Yeah that's right. Then EDM cut Rockhill and HAM resigned him, so it ends up being Masoli, Wojt, and Lawrence for Kanya. A starting OL plus two decent prospects for a decent Canadian special teamer.
  11. McMahon Stadium has the most uncomfortable seating in the CFL... as far as I'm concerned, any fans who attend multiple games there should be commended
  12. That trade didn't make sense to begin with, now it just looks awful. Austin had his way with Hervey on this one.
  13. I'm also a doctor. My name proves it.
  14. And which of those things did Stephenson not offer...?
  15. TSN says 2014 4th round pick. http://www.tsn.ca/cfl/story/?id=426730 Surprised they would let Stephenson go for nothing and then make a trade for Diedrick. I'm guessing they overestimated John Delahunt's abilities and then realized they needed a little more experience there.
  16. Oh man that was a crazy hit on Owens
  17. Ticats just shredded the Argos D
  18. Yeah 1000+ yards in 5 of the last 6 seasons what a bum. Must be our outstanding QBs just making him look good
  19. Thought Harris was good on ST too, but you're right the whole unit needs to be better. But as our starting MLB, good special teams play just isn't enough from Henoc. He needs to be an impact player on defence as well... The team needs him to be.
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