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Everything posted by Atomic

  1. Muamba was good on special teams but we need him to be better on defence. He missed a couple tackles in the box that he really should have made.
  2. Thanks for the update, I'm sure no one noticed that yet.
  3. Buck's terrible, Elliott was worse, willing to give Goltz a try at this point. If we're going to gift the other team 3 interceptions we might as well do it with a guy who has some upside.
  4. Pleased with the effort. Glad we're competitive.
  5. I'm surprised that someone who lists their location as the homeworld of the Klingons would have no friends. I mean how much cooler could you be?
  6. We demanded no less than the full attention of every league member for 72 hours straight. I haven't slept in days.
  7. Good point, Buck Pierce has said as much about Crowton before.
  8. I don't think that's right. Looks like Edem to me.
  9. Very good write up. I tried to "Like" it but apparently I've hit my Like quota for the day. The Man doesn't want me to Like anything else for awhile. I actually think Ricardo Colclough is going to be very good for them at SAM, he impressed me last year, he's a player for sure.
  10. Matthews is still questionable for the game, I think.
  11. I'm guessing the 4-man is Douglas, Kowalczuk, Anderson/Matthews, and Markett. McGee can play multiple spots, will likely be more valuable than Markett as the DI.
  12. Yes they are at strong side (field) corner and half but they always have been. Hef played weak-side (boundary) halfback, Jovon is the boundary corner.
  13. Trial by fire for sure. The funny thing is, with almost two full pre-season games under his belt at nickel, Desia Dunn has more game-time than any of our other starters thus far... hopefully that helps.
  14. http://cfl.uploads.mrx.ca/wpg/pdf/depth/2013/Depth062837.pdf No real surprises, of course.... Sherman makes it onto the 46...
  15. no kidding... Taylor Inglis was great for us.
  16. I don't think anyone is going to be disappointed with Washington. Hefney leaves some big shoes to fill but I'm pretty sure that's one spot where we're going to be okay. Parker was good on special teams when he got in last year but he didn't play much on defence so it's hard to know how he will do. However I think it was a big mistake not taking him to Hamilton, even if he had already won the job. If anyone needs the reps, it's him.
  17. This just proves the point even further. Players can be good with one team and terrible on another. Geez nothing gets by you does it?
  18. Maybe or maybe not, but don't act like you know anything about it, because you have no idea.
  19. This will make winning all the more satisfying. I love being the bad guy. **** the old boys CFL fraternity, they need to have it shoved in their face for once.
  20. Interesting stuff although I would argue that Billy Parker was Montreal's best DB last season. Looking forward to the next post.
  21. The best was when he'd go into a big clump of linemen, disappear, and somehow come shooting out the other side
  22. Russ Hobson ‏@russ_sportsguy6m #Bombers receiver Chris Matthews upgraded to "slightly probable" according to head coach Tim Burke. Will be a game time decision.
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