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Everything posted by Atomic

  1. Which positions are you concerned about specifically? There are really only two spots that won't be occupied by veterans in game one... Nickel and WIL LB. Two out of 24 starters. Below league average. And WIL is going to be filled by a guy who was here for a full season already, and the nickel will eventually be filled by Sears who was one of our best DBs last season. Other than that we're going with veterans all the way.
  2. Those people in the main parkade had to wait up to an hour and 15 minutes before the line out of the parkade even started moving (at which point it cleared out fairly quickly)
  3. Oh you're right. I missed those guys at the bottom there. Well I guess this whole thread is kinda pointless now ...
  4. Yeah I'm wondering if they'll make a move prior to the game. I definitely wouldn't want to give them Garrett, at least not right before we play them... too much potential for that to blow up in a real bad way
  5. I thought this was relevant since we're playing Montreal in game one. Right now, both Brandon Whitaker and Jerome Messam are on the injured list and the only healthy back they have is Steven Lumbala. They also have an American named Tyrell Sutton on the practice roster, but I don't know why they'd put him there if they're planning on playing him this week. Seems crazy to me to go into a game with one running back, especially when the guy is a rookie Canadian. Bombers could be catching an early break here. http://cfl.ca/roster/index/team/9 Thoughts?
  6. Only if you believe that the Bombers would have ponied up the money to pay Milanovich and Jones.... Easy to attract the top coaches when you're willing to pay for them.
  7. Yep that was really the biggest mess right there. Hope the new plan helps.
  8. I was living in Bowness in Calgary last year, can't believe the flooding there. It's surreal.
  9. I like Sears too but he's still a wildcard with not much experience at the position and coming off an injury. Also have been a fan of Parker but you gotta think there will be some growing pains there as well.
  10. Bombers won't get respect until they win some games. Just the way it is.
  11. Ricky Ray was 0/3, I guess the Argos should cut him
  12. I'm guessing he'll retire. Sounded like he was leaning that way before Montreal signed him anyways.
  13. I think the most alarming thing about the pre-season was the special teams. Lots of our potential real special teams guys were out there.... Labbe, Fitzgerald, Pontbriand, West, Sherman, Markett, Volny, Woodson, Thomas... these are some of the guys we will be relying on in the regular season. After all the talk about Dickenson, you'd hope they'd be a little better.
  14. Oh, is it the Grey Cup next week? Nope, wait, still 17 more games after that one. Win or lose I'll still be on an even keel. Maybe start panicking after 0-4 but if we're 0-1. you'll have to excuse me for not freaking out. And if we're 1-0. I won't be planning a parade, either. It's one game.
  15. Yeah maybe Stephan over Lucas, sure. Mainor's not going anywhere though.
  16. QB: Pierce, Goltz, Hall RB: Simpson, Ford, Volny FB: Pontbriand, Fitzgerald REC: Matthews, Denmark, Anderson, Poblah, Watson, Etienne, Kohlert OL: January, Douglas, Pencer, Morley, Sorensen, Greaves DL: Hall, Turner, Gilmore, Mainor, Harris, Lucas, Thomas LB: Muamba, Labbe, Parker, McGee DB: Johnson, Suber, Washington, Stewart, Markett, Muamba, West ST: Cvetkovic, Palardy, Renaud There's your 42. They'll find spots for likely another 18-20 players on top of that between the injured lists, 4-man, and practice roster.
  17. Yep, terrible facility.
  18. I don't know about you but I'm laughing at all those freaking out over losing a preseason game with exclusively our second and third stringers in.
  19. The Argos are the biggest charity case in professional sports... never have I seen a team receive so many handouts in the form of star players and straight-up cash. I'd be embarrassed to be a fan of that team.
  20. Who is Patrick? And I don't recall hearing Dunn's name even once... it was mostly David James over and over again. We learned that Burris can completely ruin a totally green secondary... I think they ran the ball what 7 times all game? Didn't really test out our DL or LBs.
  21. You guys aren't actually going to believe anything Zontar says are you.... he's the biggest Ticat homer on the internet
  22. Oh I'm not freaking out by any means. I understand that the team last night has very little bearing on what the actual team will look like. Just feels like the new talent wasn't as impressive this year.
  23. Hope you're right! Definitely agree on Thomas. I was excited about Marshall when we signed him but hadn't heard a thing about him until last night when he seemed to perform pretty well.
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