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Everything posted by Atomic

  1. On one hand Bluto cuts down the Bombers but on the other hand is desperate to poach our players.
  2. I think that pretty much says it all. Depressing to lose 52 0 for sure but let's be realistic.... that wasn't the Bombers out there last night. Probably only 8 to 10 of those guys will be on the roster and they won't be starters.
  3. Does this mean I can get my oil changed while I attend Sens games?
  4. That's why I always say you shouldn't trust the Squirtle Squad
  5. I would like to see a big game from one of our D-linemen, and also improved play from our LBs... they were dreadful in the first game. Also want to see Kennedy step up, I think he's got great potential.
  6. http://www.ticatfans.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=2 Someone should make a thread there... although I'm pretty sure Bluto and Zontar are the only active members
  7. I tried to click the live stream button and it said I had to be a customer, there was nowhere to log in with a username and password... They may just "know" if you're a subscriber because the internet provider is the same as the cable provider. EDIT: never mind, just found the log in page. WHO GOT THE PASSWORD
  8. Ken Wiebe ‏@WiebeSunSports 17 Jun At #Bombers workout OL Paul Swiston twisted his left knee on a running play. Will get an update later
  9. Actually??? Oh boy. I figured they would throw Dekota Marshall in that spot.
  10. This: ...Is not asking. It's acting like a prick.
  11. Are you ******* kidding can you not read that he is trying to fix it? Jesus.
  12. Seems to only be available to subscribers. This is what I get when I click on it: Complimentary Service to Existing Customers The Cable 14 live stream, episodes and other video content are provided to Cogeco, Rogers (previously Shaw) and Source Cable Limited cable Internet subscribers as a complimentary service. To obtain more information about this please contact us.
  13. Yep let's flood the inbox and phone lines Contact Us Have a question or comment about our programming? Get in touch! Viewer Response Line: (204) 480-3500 Email Us: shawtvwinnipeg@shaw.ca
  14. I remember a couple years back someone on OB recorded the game on Cogeco and then synced it up with Bob Irving's broadcast and distributed it as a torrent. That would be nice, streaming would be even better.
  15. Just checked all the browsers I have available to me. Can't see any problems, it's working for me in: Chrome 27.0.1453.110 m Firefox 20.0.1 and 21 IE 10.0.9200 Opera 12.15 ...all for Windows 7 64 bit. And also works beautifully on Android native browser and Chrome for Android. Also was viewing on Safari on my iPad last night (iOS 6.1 I believe?) without any issues.
  16. Just opened up IE and checked it and it worked ok. I'm on IE10 though so maybe it's a problem with an older version.
  17. Generally the cop car is sent out right away and the dispatcher keeps the caller on the line to continue gathering information.
  18. Settle down everyone. Burke said Pencer has a shot at winning a tackle spot, not a starting tackle spot. Remember that we usually carry 3 import tackles on the roster. This just means Pencer could take that backup tackle position. Highly doubt he's in the mix as a starter.
  19. I don't hold it against Hefney. I highly doubt it was ever put to him that "You have to play SAM or be released." He probably thought there was no chance they would release him so he was free to stay at halfback. I'm sure reality set in after he was released and he realized he was going to have to accept the change.
  20. QB's better watch themselves. Not a lot of experience on that OL. Left side in particular... should be interesting to see how they hold up. Looks like Parker has the WILL spot locked up. Brown vs. Wild for the 4-man/practice roster role that Parker filled last year as depth. Last chance for some rookie DBs to make an impression. Markett is leading the way as we know but I've also liked Bert Brown, eager to see if he can step his game up. Huge opportunity for some of the young receivers who will get to play almost the entire game. One of the new DE's better step up too, need someone to definitively grab that DI spot. One thing is for sure, none of these guys will be able to say they didn't get a fair shot, they'll all have ample time to make an impression.
  21. Saw a tweet saying he twisted his knee in practice the other day.
  22. Courtesy of Darrin Bauming. https://twitter.com/DarrinBauming/status/347022552926941185/photo/1
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