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Everything posted by Atomic

  1. McMahon Stadium has the most uncomfortable seating in the CFL... as far as I'm concerned, any fans who attend multiple games there should be commended
  2. That trade didn't make sense to begin with, now it just looks awful. Austin had his way with Hervey on this one.
  3. I'm also a doctor. My name proves it.
  4. And which of those things did Stephenson not offer...?
  5. TSN says 2014 4th round pick. http://www.tsn.ca/cfl/story/?id=426730 Surprised they would let Stephenson go for nothing and then make a trade for Diedrick. I'm guessing they overestimated John Delahunt's abilities and then realized they needed a little more experience there.
  6. Finkle is Einhorn!
  7. What's with BC's offence?
  8. This is unbelievable
  9. No defence allowed tonight
  10. Oh man that was a crazy hit on Owens
  11. Ticats just shredded the Argos D
  12. Yeah 1000+ yards in 5 of the last 6 seasons what a bum. Must be our outstanding QBs just making him look good
  13. Thought Harris was good on ST too, but you're right the whole unit needs to be better. But as our starting MLB, good special teams play just isn't enough from Henoc. He needs to be an impact player on defence as well... The team needs him to be.
  14. Muamba was good on special teams but we need him to be better on defence. He missed a couple tackles in the box that he really should have made.
  15. Thanks for the update, I'm sure no one noticed that yet.
  16. Buck's terrible, Elliott was worse, willing to give Goltz a try at this point. If we're going to gift the other team 3 interceptions we might as well do it with a guy who has some upside.
  17. Pleased with the effort. Glad we're competitive.
  18. I'm surprised that someone who lists their location as the homeworld of the Klingons would have no friends. I mean how much cooler could you be?
  19. We demanded no less than the full attention of every league member for 72 hours straight. I haven't slept in days.
  20. Good point, Buck Pierce has said as much about Crowton before.
  21. I don't think that's right. Looks like Edem to me.
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