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Everything posted by Atomic

  1. Chick wants the big contract he should get as a CFL and NFL vet, and how can Taman afford it?
  2. I got there a little late and didn't see any punting whatsoever so I can't comment on that. It was a typical first day of rookie camp, pretty slow paced and definitely nothing too advanced. Great to see football in any form at the new stadium. I thought Max Hall looked good today, very accurate. I saw him miss only one throw that I can remember during the scrimmages. Even when they are just doing drills and throwing into the net, Hall puts it in the pocket almost every time. I'd still give the edge in arm strength to Goltz but Hall looked the best out there today for my money. Out of the receivers, I thought Doug Pierce, Wallace Miles, Quentin McCree, and Trevor Kennedy looked fairly good. Pierce I'm happy to see play well because I didn't think his mini-camp was that great. Anderson looked like a veteran out there, as he should, but I'd still like to see him catch the ball more consistently. Good speed and nice routes though. No complaints about Michael DiCroce, he was catching the ball when he got the chance. Didn't stand out in a bad way but I wasn't watching him closely or anything. I'd like to see more of Carl Fitzgerald. He had a couple chances but the throws weren't great and he didn't catch them. One may have been catchable but he had the DB all over him, I think the ball came out a little late but it's hard to be sure... he may have cut off his route too early. Anyway he's a big body and looks pro-ready, at least physically. Oh yeah, they also had WR Brett Carter out from the Rifles. Not much else to say... the linemen were just doing drills. DB Bert Brown had a good day, I thought, he was doing a good job of getting on receivers quickly. David James and Dekota Marshall were lining up at nickel (SAM), there may have been others but I noticed those two specifically. Lots of guys rotating through at WILL, as you might expect. Wendell Brown showed good quickness. And how could I go without mentioning Casey Creehan? It's great to have him back on the field! There will be no complacency on the back end this year, I can tell you that much. If guys aren't willing to "GET TO THE ****ING BALL!!!!!!", then they aren't going to stick around long!!
  3. Yes. They've even given up on calling it a LB spot this year, Burke says it's just going to be called "Nickel" in their scheme, as in a 5th DB. I like Dekota Marshall for that spot, he looks like a player.
  4. Yeah but I have a hard time seeing any of the incumbents losing their jobs. Certainly Stewart and Hef will still be here. Suber and Jovon may be looking over their shoulders.
  5. Terrible move by the Rangers. They should can Sather too. The last year and a half or so he's made a lot of questionable decisions.
  6. I like Goltz and I think the team does too. Hall will have to be GREAT to win the #2 job, IMO. Nice to have a guy with his experience around as a #3, but I don't think he'll move up higher than that until Pierce gets injured. If things don't work out for Goltz when he gets his shot, then maybe we'll see Hall.
  7. Well he has never been a head coach before.... but yeah, sometimes Burke is a little too honest and forthcoming with the media.
  8. Ugh the quote limiter makes you delete additional quotes manually. Says "you can only have 3 quotes" and makes you delete one rather than just doing it automatically. Annoying!
  9. ha ha well you basically dared Colin to ban you. Talk about setting the bridge on fire! i went out on my own terms dude. and all i did was call him on his bulls@*t. he posts, "i want to thank the mods for their service and would never close the door on them", even as he is ban/deleting them. i bet he had a cigarette after he clicked his mouse on the tab that finally banned bluto from OB. He banned me and I wasn't even involved with the switch. Although I had locked myself out of my account months earlier so I suppose its irrelevant.
  10. http://bluebombers.com/article/blue-bom ... amp-roster Goodbye Carmon, we hardly knew ye. Interesting choice for CIS QB to bring in!
  11. Or one of the other QB's steps up in his inevitable absence. I know it seems impossible after all these years of failed QB projects, but you never know!
  12. Are nested quotes limited? I kinda like how Riderfans allows only one nested quote. Two would be okay as well. OB would get ridiculous sometimes with the massive "quote trains".
  13. Life is a Highway! This should be awesome! Can't wait!
  14. Menu on the left hand side has it. Yep you're right it does. Seems odd to only have 10 posts per page in a thread. Can I change this in my personal settings or is this a "Board settings" thing?
  15. The five teams left are the last five Stanley Cup champs. Pretty cool!
  16. I'd like a link/button at the top for "Return to Blue Bomber discussion", like the one at the bottom. I know it seems picky but I hate to scroll all the way to the bottom to get back to the forum, if say I click on a topic I've already read by accident.
  17. Absolutely beautiful and long overdue. Great job guys.
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