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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. It's a whole different ball game for Dolegala when he is not in front of the home crowd. Riders will at least have one change on the OL. Bombers get up for this game a little more than the LDC in all honesty.
  2. Standings One Strike MOBomberFan bigg jay WinnipegGordo 2 Strikes Noeller blue85gold Booch Wanna-B-Fanboy Albertabomberguy Piggy1 Goalie Tburgess Marshall BigBlue204 TrueBlue4ever Three Strikes Jcon Jesse Mark H. Wideleft kelownabomberfan Mr Perfect coach17 Y2C Peter Catan's Ghost Four Strikes BigBlueFanatic GCJenks Eternal optiimist Jpan85 Atomic Alpaca Eliminated Sard Fatty Liver Place picks below
  3. Most ever Bombers fans I have ever seen at LDC must be thousands
  4. Nic Demski
  5. Darby to 6 game
  6. Smitty’s lounge will also have it on.
  7. None will be since they need to miss one more game to get to the 6th game.
  8. Oliveria is not on his rookie deal on second contract.
  9. He attended High School in Canada till his senior year then went to a US prep school. His brother did all his high schooling in Canada. Wolitarsky is basically Ben Cahoon.
  10. Standings One Strike MOBomberFan Noeller bigg jay blue85gold Booch Wanna-B-Fanboy Albertabomberguy WinnipegGordo Two Strikes Jcon Piggy1 Goalie Jesse Mark H. Wideleft kelownabomberfan Mr Perfect Tburgess coach17 Marshall BigBlue204 TrueBlue4ever Three Strikes BigBlueFanatic GCJenks Eternal optiimist Jpan85 Atomic Alpaca Y2C Peter Catan's Ghost Four Strikes Sard Fatty Liver Place picks below
  11. They do now
  12. Opposite way around those guys all in ECW before WCW.
  13. Phillips is DC Benevides is Special Teams Coordinator
  14. Funny Bombers kind of found the key to beating BC defense is to go with a lot of heavy sets
  15. He did wrestle in ECW
  16. Won the heiseman the following year was a pretty much average QB at that point in 2018
  17. I assume Joe Borrow was on theirs before his breakout season at LSU
  18. Classic CFL shootout
  19. Might be the other way
  20. Looks like a really good crowd for Toronto
  21. Willie and Jeffcoat get 2-3 series off every half not sure this is less than in other season.
  22. Stanback also looks done
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