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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. 1. Jeffcoat 2. Lawson 3. Brady HH Jackson Thank You For Your Service
  2. Nic Demski
  3. We did have a problem at first but told them and they lowered the drain a bit.
  4. I am not cramped and I am a bigger guy. It's nice you have the railing to lean on
  5. DM your email address
  6. I might have a couple I could send someone when I get confirmation on our numbers today. Also, I agree that the first row in the upper deck is the best we have had them there since the new stadium.
  7. Evan Holm is my spirit animal
  8. Good to here
  9. Jackson is not coming out on military appreciation night lol
  10. I would keep the cap but could make it so that if you axe someone only a certain percentage counts against your cap.
  11. Love the quote of yourself lol
  12. Chez Paree strikes again
  13. Well went from one of the best weeks ever in the contest to the worst only one correct pick (Congrats to MOBomberFan) Standings One Strike MOBomberFan Noeller Jcon bigg jay Piggy1 blue85gold Booch Wanna-B-Fanboy Goalie Albertabomberguy WinnipegGordo Two Strikes Jesse Mark H. Wideleft BigBlueFanatic GCJenks Eternal optiimist kelownabomberfan Mr Perfect Tburgess Jpan85 Atomic coach17 Marshall BigBlue204 Alpaca TrueBlue4ever Three Strikes Sard Y2C Fatty Liver Peter Catan's Ghost Place Picks Below
  14. Sometimes you just need to grind a win out.
  15. Weather network has rain ending at kickoff
  16. Was talking about Stegall
  17. Greatest player in Bomber history had several pre planned TD celebrations.
  18. Has one game left. Can practice after 5 games.
  19. They are playing a childs game people take this stuff way to seriously
  20. A good director of marketing but I think it's obvious that the football side of things were over his head.
  21. Results No Strikes Noeller Jcon bigg jay Piggy1 blue85gold Booch Wanna-B-Fanboy Goalie Albertabomberguy WinnipegGordo 1 Strike Jesse Mark H. Wideleft BigBlueFanatic GCJenks Eternal optiimist kelownabomberfan Mr Perfect Tburgess Jpan85 Atomic coach17 Marshall MOBomberFan BigBlue204 Alpaca TrueBlue4ever 2 Strikes Sard Y2C Fatty Liver Peter Catan's Ghost Place Picks Below
  22. https://x.com/ticats/status/1690874479088418817?s=61&t=baW2TXp0bnUmTIpSkeJyzA
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