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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Starters played a lot in the preseason last year started the 0-4
  2. Its going to come down to Lucas and Thomas. Lucas came into camp in amazing shape and it showed in the first game.
  3. I think of it this way, need to have 15 of those guys play on the 42, 5 are the QB and specialist. You have another five that are back ups from last year, Volny, Jade, Labbe, West and Thomas. So really five guys last on the roster next week. I think there are some gems in there like Freddy Harris, Marrket, Wild Pierce and Kennedy.
  4. Good thing they are getting all the turnovers out of their system before the regular season
  5. 75% of the guys on special teams right now probably wont be here in a couple days
  6. Are the Tiger Cats playing many vets on there D right now
  7. Freddy Harris with the sack looks like Burris might not run rough shot over the D tonight
  8. One of my favorite characters of all time time
  9. Should not be a problem unless they decide to clean the seats right before the game.
  10. Paired with Bryant and there is going to be a lot of push up the middle.
  11. Great quote from JT Gilmore in the Free Press today Hopefully this is the attitude the vets are going to bring to the game this year.
  12. I had trouble last night on my Ipad would not open in Safari
  13. After last year having so many guys hurt by the end of training camp its a good move leaving the vets home.
  14. I would much rather have Washington, JJ and Sears here seems they have no problem going from positions to position
  15. Maybe on the right side? Forgot I saw who said this but it was from Burke.
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