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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Standings One Strike Mike Two Strikes Speedflex27 Three Strikes TBURGESS O2L Arnold Palmer Mr. Perfect Alpaca Pete Catan's Ghost Four Strikes bigg jay Goalie Y2C wbbfan Cam Eliminated WinnipegGordo BigBlueFanatic Marshall Bubba Zanetti Booch Jpan85 coach17 MOBomberFan Wilbur Fatty Liver Mark F Noller kelownabombefan GCJenks 17to85 Wideleft Jesse Mark H. Jcon Sard Piggy 1 Firekid Bigblue204 ROBERTS Atomic Tracker TrueBlue4ever Eternal optimist Place picks below
  2. Another one in September then one in October second last week in season I believe
  3. I guess he could but would have isolate.
  4. I am assuming with something like a corner route he caught on Friday you can throw it a couple yards deeper with more air under it making it almost impossible for db to make a play on it.
  5. He can’t enter the country if he is not vaccinated.
  6. And they are playing second half of a back to back next week could get interesting.
  7. Everyone is getting Houston and Josh Miller mixed up from last year.
  8. He was in the pre game show
  9. Noticed on a few of the run plays there was some high snaps really threw the timing off.
  10. HH to Bailey and Olivera for their efforts on the last TD drive to convert those 2nd downs when they looked like they would be stopped short.
  11. That may be least inspiring pre game speech I have ever heard
  12. Saw this week kids 12 and under get free tickets to Elks games the rest of the year.
  13. For Derek Denis’s sake I hope the Bombers don’t turn the fog machines before the game tomorrow.
  14. Everyone gets their wish Agudosi is starting
  15. Jake Weinike
  16. Isn't Masoli Polynesian and not African American?
  17. Results One Strike Mike Two Strikes TBURGESS O2L Arnold Palmer SpeedFlex27 Mr. Perfect Alpaca Three Strikes bigg jay Pete Catan's Ghost Goalie Y2C wbbfan Four Strikes BigBlueFanatic Marshall Bubba Zanetti Booch Jpan85 Cam coach17 MOBomberFan Wilbur Fatty Liver Mark F Noller kelownabombefan GCJenks 17to85 WinnipegGordo Eliminated Wideleft Jesse Mark H. Jcon Sard Piggy 1 Firekid Bigblue204 ROBERTS Atomic Tracker TrueBlue4ever Eternal optimist Any mistakes let me know Please put picks below
  18. Give some love to Marty Costello he has been fantastic since taking over for Bob Wylie
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