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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Four Strikes Atomic Bluto Everyone else eliminated Put picks below.
  2. 26 and counting
  3. Results Three Strikes Atomic Four Strikes Cam Bluto Eliminated Everyone else
  4. Bombers 4 points out of first.
  5. Pretty impressive for a 2-6 team
  6. It was inclusive
  7. Standings Three Strikes Atomic Four Strikes Bluto Booch Big Blue Cam Noeller Eliminated Jcon Jpan85 wbbfan bigg jay Fatty Liver Tburgess MOAB Wanna-B-Fanboy coach17 Mike Albertaberguy voodoochylde GCJenks Bomberman blue85gold Sard BigBlueFanatic Marshall Mark H. Pete Catan's Ghost Brad kelownabomberfan Speed Flex27 MOBomberFan BigBlue204 Firekid Piggy1 Jesse Arnold Palmer 02L TrueBlue4ever AB BomberFan Alpaca WinnipegGordo rebusrankin stickem Mr. Perfect Eternal optimist Y2C Put picks below
  8. Tommy Stevens
  9. No we were done around this time last year
  10. Standings Three Strikes Bluto Booch Big Blue Cam Atomic Noeller Four Strikes Jcon Jpan85 wbbfan bigg jay Fatty Liver Tburgess MOAB Wanna-B-Fanboy Elimintated coach17 Mike Albertaberguy voodoochylde GCJenks Bomberman blue85gold Sard BigBlueFanatic Marshall Mark H. Pete Catan's Ghost Brad kelownabomberfan Speed Flex27 MOBomberFan BigBlue204 Firekid Piggy1 Jesse Arnold Palmer 02L TrueBlue4ever AB BomberFan Alpaca WinnipegGordo rebusrankin stickem Mr. Perfect Eternal optimist Y2C Place Picks Below
  11. Standings after week 6 2 Strikes Bluto Booch Big Blue Cam Atomic Noeller Three Strikes Jcon Jpan85 wbbfan bigg jay Fatty Liver Tburgess Four Strikes coach17 Mike Albertaberguy voodoochylde GCJenks Bomberman MOAB blue85gold Sard BigBlueFanatic Marshall Wanna-B-Fanboy Mark H. Eliminated Pete Catan's Ghost Brad kelownabomberfan Speed Flex27 MOBomberFan BigBlue204 Firekid Piggy1 Jesse Arnold Palmer 02L TrueBlue4ever Alpaca WinnipegGordo rebusrankin stickem Mr. Perfect Eternal optimist Y2C Put Picks Below
  12. Schoen break out game was 5 games into the season. He had 8 catches 117 yards 2 tds.
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