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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Looks fun as hell.
  2. Would love reviews on this one too. Ever since Famous Dave's went to crap (maybe it is better now? last time I went it was garbage) I have been looking for a new BBQ fix.
  3. Halfway through re-watching Breaking Bad. I forgot how many laugh out loud moments there were. Also after having watched Better Call Saul, they did an amazing job on continuity...so many little touches..."Hey! Its Mike's granddaughter!". What a great pair of shows.
  4. TSN showed a top 10 football blooper real last night. #1 was the 13th man incident. I usually find it hilarious, but I felt nothing watching it. The last three Grey Cups have broken me, dammit!
  5. Good: Congrats to Buck, and we can finally move on. Bad: In house promotion? Meeeeeeeehhhhhhhh.
  6. Almost spit out my wine. Hilarious. In retrospect, Harris dragged us on his back to two Grey Cups.
  7. Dear god, please don't let Alotta Fajardo end up in Winnipeg.
  8. We could have fixed it in July when we wasted 6 weeks on Johnson.
  9. Could they not tell Sheehan to work on his distance/hangtime with a more traditional punting motion, and keep the other stuff in his back pocket for special occasions? He is clearly a good athlete and I have seen him boom the odd punt so he has the leg.
  10. We started more than the required number of Canadians though.
  11. You don't start making whole sale changes just because they came up short in the big game. You don't start making whole sale changes just because they came up short in the big game. You don't start making whole sale changes just because they came up short in the big game. Fixed it for you.
  12. Wilson: Coach, I'm ready to go in! MOS: Tis but a scratch! Wilson: What do you mean a scratch? His arm's off! MOS: No it isn't!
  13. I mean if he didn't learn from playing injured players in the Grey Cup last year, why would he learn this year?
  14. Its actually disturbing that after the first pick they just sat back and watched everything burn rather than trying literally anything else.
  15. Sweet he is offering to sign at a discount! He was great in the Grey Cup, but we can pay Agudosi to stand still with his arms up if that's all Younger is going to use him for.
  16. Reading more comments from Brady, Stanley and Neufeld this morning. I said during (after?) the game that if I was Brady I would feel betrayed and pissed and it's sounds like he isn't the only one. Fire Buck Pierce.
  17. I wonder if this guy got any better...
  18. Can I just say, if you don't want to see fans venting about a Grey Cup loss and speculating on what went wrong, maybe just don't come to the boards two days after the game.
  19. No need for spin unless you are Buck. The fans agree with Brady.
  20. Didn't Hervey already get run out of a GM job for being a bit of a loon, or am I thinking of someone else?
  21. Feck it, I'm in a mood today:
  22. Don't get me wrong. I love making fun of VAJ, I think he is a bit of a wiener and one of those over the top fake "good guys", and I would be the first to turn on him if things didn't work out. But if I had to put money on who will have a better season at QB next year between him and Zach I don't think its going to be close.
  23. Losing the Grey Cup at home would be tight.
  24. Strategy in 2019/2021 - Find ways to get Harris involved at all costs, ride that horse to victory Strategy in 2022/2023/2024 - Oh noes!!! They have an extra guy in the box!!! Abandon the run game!!!!! Throw it deep! Deeper!! DEEEEEEEPERRRRRR!
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