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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. What a duck by Evans Also McInnis gave up on the ball immediately and went down to get a call
  2. Wait this is Mike "shotgun snap is for high school" Kelly we are talking about?
  3. Was leaning Murray when this started. Leaning Loney now.
  4. Zach and Demski named performers of the month for September. Hmmm...there is something about 3 of the 4 games in that month, but I can't put my finger on it...
  5. Dan Clark will now play all 5 spots on the starting o-line. Cody will still complain every time he is hit by a stiff breeze. Makes it even harder for the Argos to take out the BC "OMG BEST TEAM EVARRRRRR" Lions (that one is for GeeBrr) for us.
  6. Bah. He probably took small, methodical sips. I want a coach who will chug that ****.
  7. LMAO https://3downnation.com/2022/10/02/riders-loss-in-winnipeg-gives-saskatchewan-fans-new-hope/ What happened in the Winnipeg loss opened the door, just a crack, for a late-season Riders rally for a Grey Cup appearance at home.
  8. That Hamilton game sticks in my craw. Win that one and we are one win against the Elks away from wrapping up the division.
  9. I was hoping Toronto would look better so I could convince myself they could beat BC.
  10. I cant get over Lapo yesterday. You are down 3 TDs, your season is basically over, and you drive the field to start the half, only to wuss through a short field goal instead of trying to give your team some hope. And then you do it again! Next BC drive wipes out all your "progress". What a wet kleenex of a coach that guy is.
  11. I can't with this guy anymore. “It’s been there the whole time that I’ve been here,” Fajardo said. “There are people that don’t like me and there are people that like me. That’s going to happen and that’s with any sport. There will be a lot of people calling for my head and a lot of people supporting me. I have a great support system with my wife and my family and friends.”
  12. I swear Lapo has the killer instinct of a chinchilla.
  13. HH to the weather. What a gorgeous night for end of September.
  14. The guy was right beside him when it hit him as far as I could see
  15. This game means almost nothing in the grand scheme of things. BC's remaining games are all very winnable for them, so all we really need to do is win one of the back to back against them to clinch first place. Winning the next two doesn't change that one way or another. If the team has done the math themselves, I can see them letting their foot off the gas a bit vs. a team that is desperate to even make the playoffs in the Riders. That said, I will be there tonight and I don't want my son to see the "after a loss to the Riders" version of me, so I hope we destroy them.
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