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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Stinker of the week, brought to you by Boudreaux's Butt Paste.
  2. What a horrible sequence of plays as far as execution goes.
  3. Interesting. So almost White Lotus-style I guess.
  4. I am tempted to refer to him as Regular Harris in all future posts.
  5. Started watching Silo on Apple. Intrigued so far. It helps that I just came off seeing Dune and it has the same actress. I know I already recommended it upthread, but Beef on Netflix...watch it.
  6. And look how little vertical content I get on Desktop. So bad.
  7. Whelp, so much for Caleb Thomas. And look! More DBs! https://twitter.com/DTonOB/status/1668261958078849024?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
  8. This isn't really related, but I thought it was time for everyone's yearly reminder of one of the best commercial's ever made. Play this in Calgary and Toronto until they get their **** together.
  9. What terrible football
  10. Fajardo was terrible, and somehow Arbuckle was worse. Oh god. Why did I go to Riderfans? They think they can trade one of their QBs for a starting olineman.
  11. I dont mean to alarm anyone, but Arbuckle might be bad.
  12. That can't be PI, can it?
  13. This Kenzie seems like an upgrade over Claire Hanna, if only because I can watch her without getting motion sickness.
  14. The flyout schedule on the CFL homepage shows a May 22 ex. game for no discernable reason, and has the home team wrong in the season opener. And on the Bomber site it shows 1 game, and that's it. It is 2023. Get your **** together CFL. And the arrows on the main page to navigate the schedule make no sense! Go backwards then forwards, and it skips a bunch. And it defaults to a game from 3 days ago. Wtf? As a software developer this **** infuriates me.
  15. Overcomplicated in the 2nd half IMO
  16. I blame Oshea. You put Brown in 10 minutes ago and hand the ball off for a quarter, this ends in a snoozer.
  17. Don't like the foot being off the gas so much
  18. Looked like Briggs came over late?
  19. Why the same country ads?!?!
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