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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. He claims it was on purpose, anyways. 😂
  2. A kick out of bounds would have been better.
  3. Fajardo watching that ball sail over the goal post: "You missed, Dru!"
  4. Ottawa DBs really shitting the bed
  5. Someone botched that badly.
  6. Kelly talking to Pinball to get Mauldin fired for that rejection.
  7. You guys argue about some weird **** sometimes.
  8. Really? I think he would be crazy not to test free agency.
  9. For receivers they literally just sorted by Yards and picked the top 5. Edit: Except Rhymes in the East which I find hilarious for some reason.
  10. Harris? Meh. Jefferson is kind of silly too. Total reputation pick.
  11. In case anyone needed more proof of what a class act Brady O. is, he came out to my son's U13 A3 hockey final today (he is neighbors with one of the boys on the team) to watch the game, give the kids a speech in the room at the end and hand out the player of the game award for us. The kids were absolutely pumped and I am sure are now Bombers fans for life.
  12. Suitor is usually done after two. (too far?)
  13. Do you remember at what time the latter one was?
  14. Unless he is talking about a different play, it was indeed ruled incomplete.
  15. I don't think this is true
  16. Nope. https://cfldb.ca/rulebook/instant-replay/command-centre/#r10s2a2
  17. If someone put that in a movie script it would have been rejected immediately as "too much".
  18. Because it was ruled incomplete on the field it wasn't automatically reviewable. But to me should have fallen under the obvious screwup umbrella where they are allowed to jump in anytime. See: random procedure penalty against the Bombers in week 1.
  19. Never forget the CC upheld that Duke Williams "catch" in 2021. "Bombers have all the luck" say delusional Rider fans.
  20. One win away from the Grey Cup!
  21. Compared to who?
  22. I know right? Even I am like, "man, why so negative?".
  23. Reminder: until just before game time they had a chance to clinch first.
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