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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Just saw the replay. If refs can be influenced enough by the knee brace narrative to call THAT RTP, yikes...
  2. Can't touch the kicker until they cross the LOS or the ball is caught. It was the right call. https://cfldb.ca/rulebook/kicking/kick-from-scrimmage-and-open-field-kick/#r5s4a6
  3. I thought the WF was louder. That said I was east side for that game, and west side yesterday.
  4. Ellingson is a ridiculous football player. Our run game is the runny poops.
  5. At the game. The pace with the commercials and challenges is crap.
  6. Every team in the West has as many wins as the entire East combined.
  7. Yup. It is beyond parody at this point. https://3downnation.com/2022/07/12/riders-craig-dickenson-apologizes-for-racially-insensitive-and-irrelevant-comment-made-while-defending-garrett-marino/
  8. "If you throw this game out, he’s way down on penalties he’s taken this year.” said Dickenson.
  9. LOL @ two of our offensive players making the week's top performers. Poor Sayles.
  10. Ellington has come as advertised. He reminds me of Harris in a way...finds plays to make where there arent any. Just a damn good football player.
  11. Rourke might throw the nicest long ball in the league. Kid is going to be good.
  12. Bombers showed up today. Spend all week practicing defending 50 50 balls and we should be good.
  13. Imagine dropping your stack of cards on the way to submit your assignment.
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