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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. First real football team to use the home locker room...
  2. To be fair, Zach doesn't seem to thrive in the cold either.
  3. Also known as a Saskatchewan threesome.
  4. Wonder what Ticats fans think of seeing Lawrence and Darby making key plays today.
  5. If Streveller can play on whatever that was they called an ankle, surely Zach can.
  6. Crowd kills the clock. Zach the question mark next week. Game was total domination and somehow 1 score . Bizarre.
  7. BOs nickname is obviously Stinky.
  8. A FG here would do it. Or, you know, 2 converts but who is counting?
  9. This game should not be this close.
  10. Early in the season I thought Brady O was a bust. I am an idiot.
  11. None gimmies like a convert though
  12. 16 point lead instead of 12 is not insignificant
  13. https://rodpedersen.com/cfl-adopts-rule-changes-for-2019/
  14. There is an article kickng around that says they changed the rule to no contact on the plant foot a couple years ago. I hate it, but apparently it was correct.
  15. Turnovers only reason this is close.
  16. Don't like giving up that point with 1 minute left.
  17. Both passing games struggling. More Brady please. Mcrae would look good here for a pace changer.
  18. Bombers secondary with the world's greatest long con?
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