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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. I just now noticed the kid does a "no teeth" face during the Grandpa shark portion. Mind blown. Also, over 10 billion views!
  2. Usually the progression from a booster seat is to...a regular seat, but shark tanks works too.
  3. Rumour from a friend who does not read these boards says Harris might retire today. Giant grain of salt.
  4. O'Day sat CoFaj down and started by saying "Cody, regarding your contract, we need to move the goal posts" and he agreed immediately.
  5. Ah, right. Couldn't remember 100% what the injury was and too lazy to look it up.
  6. Based on all the reading I have done: - Antibodies prevent initial infection, wane over time - Memory / T cells prevent severe infection, last a lot longer Could be way off, so someone please correct me if I am wrong.
  7. Wasn't BA hurt before the playoffs on a special teams play? I wonder if it is something he played through.
  8. You couldn't blame him for taking that, and no way could we match it.
  9. Wait until you find out they are the ones we elect to public office!
  10. Honest question, and try to ignore the dumb protests, convoy and rhetoric. What is the public health rationale for forcing truckers to be vaccinated to cross the border?
  11. In somewhat surprising news, Reilly's hats have agreed to stay with the club as offensive consultants.
  12. I'm no NFL fan but holy crap this game.
  13. Low scoring games today. Should the NFL move to 5 downs? Discuss.
  14. Great article on CBC about those worried about sending their kids to school Monday. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-covid-19-kids-faq-omicron-1.6315982
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