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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Fine with moving the hash marks. Also fine with a 5 yard holding penalty. Shortening the field seems pointless, and would seemingly bring the rouge into play on kickoffs a lot more, which would detract from the return game. NFL kickoffs are the most pointless play in sports.
  2. Devil's advocate: if you look at the Global position as a development spot, once a player develops to be good enough to displace an "International"/American (and good enough to pay them like one) why not call them an international at that point and develop a new Global player? They are eligible, they just take up an American spot at that point. Unless I am completely missing something.
  3. Welcome Derek. Please proceed through the decontamination chamber on your way into the province. If any green remains, self isolate for at least 14 days until symptoms improve.
  4. Why not the next Geroy Simon? ******* media in this country: https://3downnation.com/2022/02/22/participants-hopeful-new-cfl-program-will-help-create-next-martin-st-louis-or-john-lynch/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=participants-hopeful-new-cfl-program-will-help-create-next-martin-st-louis-or-john-lynch
  5. I think he is mediocre, but vastly underrated on these boards. *dons flame retardant suit*
  6. For all his flaws, last years Bomber team could win a Grey Cup with Fajardo.
  7. The time difference doesn't help. But even given that, I used to wake up and religiously check results and medal counts, but now I have trouble caring. I think as I have gotten older, the corrupt business nature of the games has soured me on it a bit. Other than my wife watching curling, we haven't had it on. I don't even know Canada's mens hockey record! Of course, the last 5 years of Jets hockey I have had less and less interest as well. In that case the quality of the team is certainly a factor. You would think the pandemic would have me begging for entertainment options, but I often find my time better spent elsewhere than watching the Jets these days. I should add: every time they add a new event/sport I just roll my eyes. Monobob? Aerials vs. big air? Team and mixed everything. It's a novelty act at this point.
  8. Why throw on 4th with time outs left?
  9. Kickoffs are so dumb. Why even bother?
  10. Weak PI based on what they haven't called so far.
  11. Turned the game on halfway through the 3rd. Has the whole game been this boring?
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if the school divisions keep masks until the end of the school year.
  13. Roussin basically said the pandemic is over. LOL.
  14. Sounds like March pandemic restrictions =
  15. See, you guys have me agreeing with TBURGESS! #wrongsideofhistory (joking TBURGESS, don't mean to pile on)
  16. Awesome. To be clear: we had a special run. It might even continue. But our money is worth the same as every other team's. The disbelief around here that anyone would ever want to leave, and that if they do it is an indication of some kind of deep issue is Riderfans territory, and it makes me feel gross. The crapping on Harris would be hilarious if it wasn't so predictable.
  17. The overreaction to some of the offseason news is kind of funny. This is all normal business of sport stuff. As much as the media has painted a sunny narrative, the Bombers as an organization aren't really that special. If we don't trade for Collaros at the 11th hour in 2019, how many stories do you think would have been written about what a great culture it is that we have built?
  18. I think it's safe to say the Bombers got worse this year and a lot of teams got better. The gap last year was huge though, so we had some margin.
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