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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Great article on CBC about those worried about sending their kids to school Monday. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-covid-19-kids-faq-omicron-1.6315982
  2. Take me, a complete non-fan of the NFL. Put a survey in front of me that asks if changing to CFL rules would increase my interest. I would likely answer yes, check out a couple of games and then continue to ignore it forever. I suspect the same is true in reverse. The rules are not the reason people aren't watching. Changing them drastically will be the reason a lot of people that ARE watching, stop.
  3. By the way, can I just say that the discussion on this board is a lifesaver. It is so much more measured than the other looney bin echo chambers on both sides of the argument.
  4. Trying to figure out what the endgame is going to be for this whole thing, and whether a certain segment of the population will ever feel comfortable again. I keep reading discourse online from fully vaccinated (and boostered) individuals that would like to lock everything down, mandate masks forever, etc. I get the idea that we want to reduce pressure on the hospitals, but isn't the science pretty clear that an otherwise healthy and fully vaccinated person is extremely unlikely to end up there? And if we think that unvaccinated folks are also the least likely to follow public health orders, what else can we do conceivably do at this point that is going to make any difference. Short of locking down until we vaccinate everyone, it feels to me like this is as good as it gets at this point. I feel for teachers, but when I read things online like "THE GOVERNMENT IS SENDING US TO THE SLAUGHTER WITH NO PROTECTION!!!", I can't help but think "You have protection. It is called a vaccine and so far all the science says it is pretty damn good".
  5. I am tempted to post my address, because this is all sounding awesome.
  6. As someone who thinks a person who is able but chooses not to get vaccinated is stupid and selfish, I don't like the idea of mandatory vaccination. Taking away privileges, etc, is one thing, but something about forcing a needle into someone's arm makes me uneasy. Unless I am misunderstanding what they mean by "mandatory".
  7. https://kfdm.com/sports/content/beaumonts-willie-jefferson-iii-ready-to-leave-legacy-in-setx
  8. Good thing there is no mask mandate in Saskatchewan because Leonard can't PPE.
  9. We made the same call. No regrets.
  10. It is not an easy decision. Commitment to the team is one factor, plus the fact that I am helping with coaching both. I am still waffling, to be honest. I wish the province would just take it out of my hands. Already decided to skip my beer league game this week until my booster takes hold.
  11. Monitoring. Sheesh. If me and my kids don't catch it at their hockey this weekend I will be shocked.
  12. Riderfans already calling us out on cap shenanigans, despite us only having like 10 players signed.
  13. This, THIS is how you promote the CFL. Are you listening, Randy?
  14. Rumour I heard today from someone in the medical field is that 0 of the current ICU admissions are Omicron. Would be interested to hear officially if that is the case.
  15. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/second-covid-19-vaccine-dose-children-eight-weeks-manitoba-1.6305266 Sounds like the province is catching up to parents and doctors.
  16. Yup. I have a doctor friend that did 4 weeks for his kids. My kids are getting their's tomorrow, at 6 weeks. Risk to kids is so low already, so short term protection for school (and youth sports) is our top priority. Combined with the fact that they will likely get boosters down the road anyways, I am not that worried about it. All the 8 week data is for adults, and the US is doing 3 weeks, so how bad can 6 be? Just do it. It seems to be trending that way anyways, and Pfizer's (and CDC's) own numbers say 3 weeks. When they get a booster in 6 months will that one week really matter? Disclaimer: I'm just a rando on the internet, not a virologist, so take everything I say with a giant grain of salt.
  17. Like I said, I swear they changed it. Here is the pharmacyappointments.ca booking site: Pfizer Pediatric Second Dose: Children 5-11 years of age at the time of vaccination, who received a first dose optimally 8 weeks ago, but at minimum 28 days ago are eligible to receive Pfizer Pediatric second dose with valid health card"
  18. Pharmacies will let you book the second shot after 4 weeks. I swear the government website used to say 8 weeks recommended, 4 weeks minimum, but now it only lists the 4 week option for First Nations. Either way, I know plenty of kids that have already got their second, some after 4 weeks. The CDC guideline is 3 weeks, so Canada is being overly cautious...they say due to an abundance of caution but I suspect due to a lack of supply.
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