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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. I would guess N95s for teachers and rapid test requirements for students is about the only thing they can do at this point. Plus the timing, in theory, allows more under 12s to get their second shot. All that said, they have no plan. We seem to elect and appoint the dumbest people to public office.
  2. Winnipeg Minor hockey game start up again this week. Let the kids spread amongst themselves for two more weeks until school starts! None of this makes sense to me. At all.
  3. Also, let's shut down schools, but we will see the same kids at hockey 4 times this week. If the announcement comes with no other restrictions I will be dumbfounded. Sorry...extra sensitive this year. My youngest (grade 3) had his teacher leave after the first week of school for medical leave, had a substitute for a month after that, then split time between the vice principal and music teacher until Christmas, and his new permanent teacher is finally supposed to start when they go back. Imagine switching teachers for the third time, fully remote, half way through the year. He is suffering for it so far. I need this school year to be over.
  4. My vote is to delay return to school and just have the teachers send a package of optional work to tide us over. **** remote learning. **** SeeSaw. **** Teams.
  5. They should have shut youth sports down before the holidays, and prioritized rapid tests for schools so they could test leading up to the first day back.
  6. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/indispensable-keeper-of-secrets-kept-blue-bombers-office-running-575991962.html
  7. Asking people who test positive at home to go back for a PCR is hilarious. Why? For what reason?
  8. The lack of foresight by the province regarding the need for rapid testing as a way out of this is stunning.
  9. Super weak sauce restrictions announced today. LMAO. Why bother? I don’t blame anyone anymore for ignoring this trash.
  10. Given the testing backlog and the fact they said to just stay home if sick, the numbers are basically meaningless at this point.
  11. Jesus, I sang that as I read it.
  12. Apparently this is just the pre-game to blaming Manitobans when the **** hits the fan in the new year. "Follow current orders", "recommend you limit gatherings", "fundamentals!", "blah, blah, blah". See you at the Jets game on Monday! 🙄
  13. I could have also said "post" pattern and it would have had a different meaning. Doink!
  14. Have a great Christmas everyone. And if you don't get what you want, just picture Cody throwing a post pattern and feel better!
  15. The couldn't or wouldn't wait until Christmas to announce more restrictions....could they?
  16. If only we had access to rapid tests to lower the burden on the testing infrastructure. Oh well.
  17. What a great analogy from McManus: https://www.bluebombers.com/2021/12/23/goveia-mcmanus-extended-2023/ “It’s like when you’re building a new house and you need a well and you have to find out where the water is,” McManus explained. “So, you’ve got holes all over the backyard trying to find out where the water is. But once you land that water and the pump gets going, it gets easier.
  18. That day sucked. I hosted a Grey Cup party that year, I was sick as a dog with a head cold, and I had to defend my thesis on Monday morning, so after everyone left I had to practice my slides late at night, sick, dead tired and pissed off. My homemade pizza crust was a hit, at least.
  19. Was there? Damn. Foggy memory. I just remember that one pick 6 hitting the turf, but not much else. God, there was so much room to run on that last pick. Damn you husky eyes!
  20. I used to go to school and play hockey with Bob's son. This is like 30 years ago. Found out today from my dad that he occasionally sees Bob at the grocery store, and he still remembers me and asks how I am doing. Cool!
  21. LMAO off this article. His picks aside, an "all free agent team" when the entire league is essentially entering free agency is such a lazy concept. https://www.cfl.ca/2021/12/21/cauz-selecting-free-agent-team/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
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