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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. What in the...what song was that? Why?
  2. One half, but not sold on our reciever, RB or DB group so far.
  3. D is uber meh right now. No swagger
  4. If we lose this game, what will become of 17to85?
  5. Did we just not play a safety today?
  6. Ottawa reminds me of Montreal last year. A lot of beaking and chatting for a team that hasn't done anything yet.
  7. Yeah I said the same. Grounding, no?
  8. "He reminds me of Weston."
  9. HH to my mute button for shutting Suitor up for me. And RIP to all the dead horses he beat tonight.
  10. Has Suitor mentioned the hash marks yet? I want to know if it will force you to play it honest.
  11. I could see that actually. Brown jumps ahead of him if Zach gets hurt.
  12. Just catching up. What was with that RTP at the beginning? 😕
  13. C'mon Winnipeg Youth Soccer, cancel all matches!
  14. Did I miss something? Are we back to rostering 3 qbs this year?
  15. Yup. This is exactly what I was arguing before. This seems to have backfired spectacularly.
  16. Yeah, but that was 7 total players you were paying to start at least 50% of the time. Now you are only paying 6. I guess the argument is total dollars to Canadian players would be higher, since you would in theory pay the 50%-ers less?
  17. Is my math off, or does that mean more snaps per Canadian player, but less Canadian jobs (7 before, now 6) overall? Have to think this is a bit of a backfire by the players?
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