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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. What the **** was that measurement!
  2. Lol blaming Evans on that one.
  3. In case Suitor is reading this. https://cfldb.ca/rulebook/fouls-and-penalties/major-fouls/#r7s2a13
  4. **** off Suitor. Can't block towards your own goal line you putz.
  5. Bo looks trash so far
  6. Sheepishly books third dose while other countries are still waiting on their first.
  8. So they can time how long it takes to escape, apparently.
  9. Kids booked!
  10. **** I hate losing. I fast forwarded through most of the game and I'm still pissed.
  11. How many passing TDs with and without Rose in the lineup? 😈
  12. Unless he though returning kicks meant literally returning it to the other team?
  13. Instant momentum! - Rod Black
  14. Looks gorgeous! Can't wait to watch this with my kids.
  15. Any Succession fans here? I am piss mad!
  16. This Winnipeg ICU numbers are manageable. Lock Southern Health down. We had regional lockdowns before. If they avoid them because it is the bible belt this time I will be pissed.
  17. https://3downnation.com/2021/11/15/sprinkles-of-jesus-cody-fajardos-interception-wiped-out-duke-williams-gets-up-after-potential-serious-looking-injury/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=sprinkles-of-jesus-cody-fajardos-interception-wiped-out-duke-williams-gets-up-after-potential-serious-looking-injury 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢 🤢
  18. My guess is they looked at the field conditions and noped Hardrick straight to the bench.
  19. Seriously, how can they call down and correct an offside but not a game changing miss call like that?
  20. If I am a Stamps fan I am pissed right now.
  21. Where is the command center on major f ups like that PI?
  22. That...was not a horse collar?
  23. To be fair, it would be different if he had shown signs.
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