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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Ottawa tackling like they are hugging their aunt at Thanksgiving
  2. Trash game is trash. Even a raccoon would having nothing to do with this.
  3. Did I just have a stroke or was TSN just playing with the brightness slider?
  4. The spoon explains how he was able to be back at practice so quickly.
  5. My source (which is not Dr Zaius), confirmed the tased part at least. I have no info on who started the fight or how many were involved, though.
  6. By the way, if any Rider fans give you grief about this, just throw this gem back at them (which had the wonderful courtesy of coming out during the same news cycle): https://globalnews.ca/news/5667246/saskatchewan-roughriders-mascot-inappropriate-behaviour-stuffed-lion/
  7. Well the bar fight part, for one. And a stabbing is potentially "worse" than a fight, so that part too. You can't blame the messenger for not accurately estimating a person's capacity for bouncing back from a stabbing.
  8. Not too surprising. Dr Zaius is still getting grief because he didn't get the "released" part right.
  9. Matches some of what I heard. More fuel on the "Winnipeg is stabby" fire.
  10. My source said "Blue Bomber player" and if what he said is true, if he isn't released expect him to be on the IR at a minimum.
  11. Sounds like it could be true (based on fairly reliable info). Possibly even worse than reported here. Not going to look good for Winnipeg...
  12. Is blocking down field before the ball is caught no longer a penalty?
  13. Why does Claire Hanna move around so much when she talks. She looks like George W dodging shoes.
  14. Beat me to it. Saw there wasn't one yet and was going to start a Hat Boy @ Jerks GDT, but this will do.
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