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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Anyone remember the year we brought in a bunch of young hot shot QBs? I swear there were four of them and there was a giant splash in the paper. Terry Dean? Steve Pelleur? Others? Did I make this up? Possibly. Oh God, they were backups to Sammy Garza. There is no reason I should remember those names.
  2. My biggest fear for the CFL is that 20 years from now, it will be us 60 year olds telling the same stories instead of a new batch of 40 somethings telling their own. Jesus Christ....I just realized I will be 60 in less than 20 years. 😳
  3. Jamie Stoddard mention alert. Some long time members of this forum:
  4. Maybe not a lunatic, but it was no secret he was all "nuts".
  5. I remember that! Could this be him? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay_Walker_(legislator)
  6. The UFL!....*checks message from agent*.....C-FL, CFL!!!
  7. Sounds like Fajardo is healthy. Sigh of relief from Rider fans, who otherwise would have been in danger of seeing their team score a touchdown this week.
  8. Another obscure moment was when we traded Canada for Zeke Moreno, only for Canada to reveal he was injured, allowing us to keep both. I can't remember who we sent instead...
  9. TIL everyone on this forum is exactly the same age.
  10. My second favourite is Bobby Gordon catching a pass over the middle, getting absolutely wrecked, knocked out cold, and still hanging onto the ball.
  11. One of my all time favourite memories is Tom Canada taking the flag out of the ref's pocket.
  12. Maybe he is going to coach from home.
  13. Roberts should 100% be on the Ring of Honour.
  14. The way Charlie could kill the clock at the end of a game all by himself was worth the price of the ticket alone.
  15. HH to the thus far wildly successful Cody Fajardo tree planting extravaganza.
  16. No way is that PI. There was zero push
  17. If we attempt another convert, fire OShea.
  18. Getting killed in field position again already.
  19. Riders secondary broken and no deep shots yet?
  20. Sluggish start so far.
  21. The Nate Davis defense. "But I already peed on the quarterback!".
  22. LMAO off at Leonard's excuse for not submitting a urine sample. And Dickenson defending him!
  23. Am I missing something about the NDP platform, or is it close enough to the Liberal one that there is basically no point in voting for them? Like, if Jagmeet swapped spots with Trudeau today, would anyone even bother voting for the NDP?
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