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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Man, so many mediocre football teams this year. The door was wide open...
  2. I think hoovering for four straight games will haunt them worse.
  3. At the beginning of the interview, it sounded like generic "nothing to see hear" kind of stuff. As the interview went on...damn. He's pissed.
  4. Yes. To us. At the Banjo Bowl. Edit: Or was it Labour Day? One of those two. The Riders got a penalty, and then the command center called down and added one to the Bombers.
  5. If the eye in the sky can call down to manufacture offsetting objectional conduct penalties, surely they can do the same for headshots.
  6. Looking at the remaining schedule, BC passes us easily.
  7. After thinking about it some more, you can't blame that game on anyone but Nichols. As awful as Lapo's game plan was, you had a QB throw essentially 5 awful interceptions, two in the red zone that amount to a 20 point swing at a minimum, possibly even 28. Nichols singlehandedly lost that game.
  8. The problem with your facts is that our best players on offense are largely non imports. If Walters had recruited better imports on O I could maybe see your point, but I think most people here would rather see wolitarsky than Washington.
  9. So disappointed. Looking at the remaining schedule, it feels like this year is already done. The only reason I still follow this team is that I dont want to be the idiot that gives up right before they win it all. Sadly, it feels like I'm the idiot either way.
  10. He won't be. No way does MOS fire Lapo after giving Hall that amount of rope.
  11. He won't be. No way does MOS fire Lapo after giving Hall that amount of rope.
  12. Commenters on the Free Press are lamenting the closing of Muddy Waters and the introduction of $2/hour parking as signs the Forks are going down hill. God this city is full of whiners sometimes.
  13. He just typed "toilet" and it auto-corrected for him. (Sorry, couldn't resist)
  14. Agree with this. 24/7, 365 even. No ambiguity.
  15. Derogatory? It's supposed to be fun. If this was the Argos calling a visiting Riders game the Banjo Bowl, I would see youe point, but the name was meant to be a joke shared between two prairie provinces. The fact that it makes anyone angry is puzzling to me.
  16. Excellent. But surely he has thrown for over 300? 😈
  17. Has Nichols passed for more than 2 TDs in a game this year? Too lazy to look it up.
  18. There once was a team from the Peg, Whose fans would give arms or a leg, For just one Grey Cup, But alas, just our luck, Once again we are left with the dregs.
  19. I mean... everything sucks. Being a fan of this franchise just makes me tired.
  20. I mean, I was a believer in Nichols too but you have to admit he is rough this year.
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