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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Kids spring sports started just in time to be cancelled again. Huzzah!
  2. re: Anya Taylor-Joy. Queen's Gambit on Netflix. Watch it.
  3. I cant see how. Manitoba is only on pace for shot 1 by then. I didn't think that was enough for herd immunity.
  4. Boo! Love taking the kids to the AVR. Hope they find a home.
  5. If teachers were a priority, which they should have been, maybe allocating the AZ supply to them would have made more sense then vaccinating me, who works from home all day.
  6. What a sad state of affairs.
  7. Finland does it for speeding tickets I think.
  8. Make the fines proportional to annual income. And no, I am not joking.
  9. Those aren't the people you worry about, they have their minds made up. But there are a bunch of people that want to follow the rules, but are much more willing to bend them when they see what half assed measures the government has put in place. Locking **** down makes someone on the fence think twice about the safety of having friends over for drinks, but when the government says they can do that safely on a patio they figure "well, what's the harm". If you give a mouse a cookie, and all that...
  10. I get more angry the more I think about it. The entire second half of the press conference was basically the government setting the stage to blame Manitobans when this doesn't work. It is the reason the only meaningful change was to personal gatherings, but I can still have lunch with friends at a restaurant.
  11. The new restrictions are dumb. No visitors to your own house, but everything else is basically the same. Having someone over for a backyard fire = bad. Going to a gym that is 25% full = fine, apparently. Half measures basically guarantee we prolong this wave until more restrictions get added in a couple weeks.
  12. There it is. Blaming Manitobans.
  13. That's a good point. Have we seen a cases vs. hospitalizations comparison over time to show that?
  14. Well that was a fun night. Feels like a bad hangover right now. @FrostyWinnipeg described my symptoms exactly, right down to the timing.
  15. Good plan to target fully vaccinating high risk areas.
  16. The deed is done. Now to wait for my superpowers.
  17. Covid means planning is hard, if not impossible. This is at least a target to shoot for in order to get all the stakeholders on the same page, which is more than we had yesterday.
  18. Handful of Sobey's appointments available this week: https://www.pharmacyappointments.ca/
  19. All that said, I booked it anyways. Going Friday!
  20. Yeah, not worried about clots. Just worried about getting a vaccine that might be useless against the variant du jour when compared to alternatives. It is hard to get any reliable data on that...
  21. Any concerns about the doubts of the AZ vaccine efficacy vs. the variants? That is the only reason I am hesitating right now...
  22. It is amazing how little the leadership of this league seems to understand their customer. Lose the diehard CFL fans and gain zero NFL fans. Great plan.
  23. Honestly, so sad. Don't blame this on covid. Blame it on bad leadership.
  24. What is the deal with them mulling over an outdoor mask mandate? All the science I have read pegs outdoor transmission as a very low risk, unless that has changed with the variants? For example: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/risk-of-covid-19-transmission-outdoors-explained-1.5981935
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