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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Well, if anything today's events have me ever more excited for football. Let's go Valour!
  2. Enstrom slammed his stick into the boards after getting hurt in practice this year, and was back the next day.
  3. Weeeeeeeeeeee! *sigh* The curse of Troy Westwood lives.
  4. If you are looking here for objectivity when it comes to the Riders, you are going to be disappointed. If the Riders win the Grey Cup 10 years in a row, most of us will still believe they suck and mock them for every small misstep along the way. It is known.
  5. I don't know. If someone were to ask me about great Bomber receivers from "my" era, the first name out of my mouth would obviously be Milt Stegall, and the second would probably be Robert Gordon. Then Terrence Edwards probably. Then Geoff Drover.
  6. Was the knockdown the one where we was beat cleanly for a TD but the ball hit him in the back because it was underthrown?
  7. Sounds like Ross is Brinking it all over the place. Bit disappointing.
  8. Black just compared him to Tiger Woods.
  9. I almost forgot how much I despise Rod Black. It's good to get a reminder every now and then...
  10. This game stinks so far. Bethel Thompson is horrid.
  11. Loffler on that list ahead of Leggett means I can save time and just ignore the list in its entirety.
  12. Anyone know if the game is being streamed anywhere? Would love to go, but can't make it unfortunately.
  13. I was just about to post about Pederson. Turned the radio off halfway through his shtick. Brutal.
  14. Just watched the Myles White interview up on bluebombers.com. Seems like a great guy. Excited to see what he can do on the field.
  15. Woke up this morning...yup, still super excited about Bighill. 🤩
  16. Huge! Unless Richie Hall just uses him to fill gaps Sam Hurl style.
  17. https://www.bluebombers.com/family-day/ As a father of two young boys, I am irrationally excited about this. SpongeBob! Great marketing idea for the Bombers. I hope it is a huge success. My only gripe would be that maybe a Rider game isn't the best family friendly setting. 😉
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