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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Bombers win the Grey Cup this year. You heard it here first.
  2. Stop asking us to be objective when it comes to the Riders. It's not that I can't be, I just don't want to be. If you point out my anti-Rider bias, I will happily agree with you, and continue to laugh at them.
  3. The fact that there was any debate at all about that last eagles TD means the NFL rules are broken. Becomes a runner ? Wtf? Also, I don't watch much NFL football, but all this contact from dbs on receiver makes me actually like the CFL rules.
  4. I wonder if Santa finally got him what he asked for this year?
  5. That isn't even the right link. Go to Team > Coaching Staff, click on Richie Hall: https://www.bluebombers.com/football-operations/richie-hall/
  6. Worst pass defence in the league, three all stars in the secondary. Something doesn't add up...
  7. If the Bombers lost a Grey Cup in the same fashion as Calgary did today, I would be insufferable for a decade.
  8. That last pass was all arrogance. Everything you need to know about Blow Levi Mitchell in a nutshell.
  9. Not might. It isn't even in the same stratosphere of stupid.
  10. I went in expecting a Rider win and to lessen the pain I convinced myself I wanted to see Glenn get a ring. This is much better.
  11. They are the shady group that swooped in and tried to "rescue" the Phoenix Coyotes with basically none of their own money. They essentially held the city of Glendale hostage. I think the city ended up giving them like $100 million or something. I wouldn't trust those guys as far as I could throw them.
  12. Just read where the former Ice Edge idiots are looking at putting a team in Halifax. If I was the CFL or Halifax, I would stay as far away from those clowns as possible. http://www.tsn.ca/group-makes-very-credible-pitch-for-halifax-cfl-franchise-1.917745
  13. Must have missed the latter. I didn't see anything on the south side.
  14. It has been a while since I sat up there. Two questions: 1. What happened to the TVs? Not being able to watch the game while I wait is kind of a let down. 2. What happened to all the standalone beer vendors? Having to wait in a food line for a beer is annoying.
  15. On the bright side I am more convinced than ever that Matt Nichols ends our grey cup drought.
  16. The defense are who we thought they were. Is Hall fired yet? No? I'll wait...
  17. Still say he doesn't play. Might be a sunny day in Sunday, but prepare for Lefevour rainbows.
  18. Approaching 27,000. Way better than I thought. Good news. Should be fun.
  19. I am positive that Bomber fans suck at showing up for playoff games. Better?
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