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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. So asymptomatic, socially distanced, masked students still spread this thing like wildfire. Huzzah!
  2. Streveler is awesome.
  3. Running should never get you shot in the back 7 times from close range. The "both sides" argument doesn't fly here.
  4. That 1 Northern Health one looks ominous. Also, Brandon!!! Stay home!!!
  5. Oh well. I guess that just means another 10 months of watching the TiCats get absolutely rolled while this soundtrack plays in my head:
  6. It would be the most 2020 thing ever if the reanimated corpse of Marty York is the one to break the story of a shortened CFL season.
  7. Anyone else wish Kamala and Joe could swap places?
  8. Breaking news: successful business people are sometimes (even often) "kind of dicks".
  9. Prediction: the school opening will be a **** show of epic proportions.
  10. Man, Brandon is going to pass Winnipeg for total cases at some point!
  11. Half from Southern Health, half from Brandon meat plant, 1 in Winnipeg.
  12. What a clown. Even if you agree with every one of his policies how do you feel comfortable voting for such a horses ass?
  13. A shortened season is a win-win for a pessimist like me. There is no downside! Bombers win the Grey Cup? Back to back champs baby! Any other team wins the Grey Cup? Giant asterix for "winning" the covid cup. Who cares?
  14. Unfortunately it is due to the stupidity of the general public. There was no rational reason to attack the Asian community in Canada for causing the "Wuhan" virus, yet it happened anyways (more in the states, but there were stories here). Similarly, identifying an outbreak on a Hutterite colony stigmatizes Hutterites. Saying an outbreak occurred in Brandon doesn't have the same effect, because a Brandon resident wandering around in public isn't as readily identifiable, otherwise I am sure people would crap on them too.
  15. Edmonton Excrement it is, then.
  16. This is an aside, but her articles are usually good and often great. She is one of the few writers at that paper that I will stop to read, regardless of the topic.
  17. Man, I am uncomfortable with that word being used at all here, even in this context.
  18. Prediction: they totally blow this and go with "East Indians".
  19. The depiction of the trough in episode 3 of F is For Family was too real!
  20. All the state of emergency does is give them power to do certain things they wouldn't otherwise have. Makes sense to me to keep it going until this whole thing is over.
  21. If Durant honors his contract, are the Bombers Grey Cup champion's today? Strange how things work out.
  22. Why is all the discussion around whether the term is an offensive way to refer to a minority group or not, when really the question should be "why the hell do we need sports teams named after minority groups"? We can probably all agree that "transgender" isn't an offensive term for a specific group of people, but calling a team the Transgenders would be more than a little messed up.
  23. Mr Mikes was just a matter of time. Super mediocre. When your thing is steak "casual", and Montana's does it better, you are in trouble. IMO, of course.
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