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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. #forthew remains one of the Bombers best ever marketing campaigns. Kudos to the team that came up with it. Beats "we've got it going on" anyways.
  2. That Hansen hit is basically the Coles notes of the 2019 Grey Cup. What an absolute dink punching that game was.
  3. Might do that, thanks!
  4. So true! The amount of people from Vancouver and Seattle here is insane.
  5. Rider fans are bad everywhere. It's a gift.
  6. Also Kaanapali. Maui is the best. Too bad its so far. And expensive.
  7. And as predicted, Rider fans already annoying me in Maui. I saw your son's Rider hat and left you alone. But do you extend me the same courtesy? Ugh...
  8. You can say the upright was unlucky, but the amount of luck the Riders needed on that same drive for it to not be over earlier was insane.
  9. The comments on 3downnation are toxic. What a cesspool.
  10. Seeing Rider fans on vacation is the worst. No other team's fan base will go out of their way to ruin another fan's vacation more than the Riders
  11. Nichols is a huge reason we have a cup right now.
  12. That is way too much guaranteed money. Would have wanted it more bonus-laden given his injury history.
  13. That PI that led to the first Calgary TD is still BS.
  14. Do NOT **** with the uniforms. Just don't.
  15. Just spent way too much money at the Bomber store for Christmas. The place was packed. The Bombers are going to make a killing on merch this year.
  16. Watching the CFL top plays on TSN. If the #7 play by Acklin is called a catch, then Bailey's was even more of one. Stupid CFL.
  17. Great interview with Streveler on South Dakota radio: https://listen.sdpb.org/post/usd-coyote-chris-streveler-wins-cfls-grey-cup-2019
  18. Watching that Wired Up, I mean....holy hell did we kick their asses.
  19. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/blue-bombers-grey-cup-winnipeg-airport-1.5372696?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar
  20. Live streamed on CBC right now. Looks like they broke the cup! LOL.
  21. Got this from 13thman, which appears to be a one man echo chamber.
  22. 13thman! Holy **** it still exists!
  23. There was another one I am struggling to remember. 3rd down something? Edit: or am I completely making that up?
  24. What, no TotalCFL shout out?
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